Review after 0.8.4

I know there will be a lot of people who will disagree on one part what I will write but the following is how i feel about the game after 300hours of gameplay.

Loot currently is amazing and it is giving that feeling of expectancy when unique is drooping finally this game has that feeling
Endgame systems are very fun but they lack of something happening along the way while u are running toward the end of each echo
Customization is great and it will be better in time

What i feel the negative side of the game is and there is only one - i do not enjoy combat and killing monsters, I do not like the visuals of most of the skills even some skills that are reworked lately i feel they are very unsatisfying, I do not feel feedback when i kill enemies, dying animations are very bad. I personaly feel if they rework this part, add multiplayer which most of the people want (im not one of them) and add missing classes they have finished product without adding other pointers on roadmap.

So i want to see is there anyone here who agrees with this

Thank u for time in reading

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