Response to MTX Store

Everything looks fantastic with the exception of Supporter Packs. The Cosmetics look great but I feel that a increase in bundled EP would be nice! My experience with Path of Exile’s Supporter packs and increased points based on tiers was always an incentive to purchase the more expensive pack for a better value.


Who hurt you?


I have to say I respect you rethinking the approach and admitting that there was a problem with the initially proposed model. :clap: I’ll be honest - I didn’t expect you would.

Even though I am not your target audience when it comes to purchasing microtransactions (as I’ve rarely done so in my life) it’s clear to me that it’s a necessity for a business in this day and age and I don’t really have anything against it as a business model. That is something I would be doing myself if I had a gaming studio. As a software developer I know how much it costs to build software and what salaries are like in our industry.

Having said that, if a model like that exists in your product it needs to be priced so that people are “happy” to pay for the goods. “Worth” is obviously a very subjective matter but I think there is a certain amount that most players would be willing to pay for virtual goods and it’s definitely not in the $15-25 range for one item. I know it’s irrelevant but if I was to buy a portal or a cape I would probably pay $2-3 at most (I’m in UK so more like £1.50-2.00). Then again, people pay $65 for wings in PoE, which in my view is absurd but to each their own.

Another positive that could come out of this change is that you could become a sort of a “role model” when it comes to MTX pricing. If you do it right and people buy into it they could then be advertising Last Epoch on social media saying “but look at how they do it”, which could actually get you lots of new players one day.

The problem we have nowadays is, as few people said in the original announcement topic - players are simply tired of being milked and treated like idiots. Everyone knows why things cost $1.99 and not $2.00, everyone knows why bundles of points always give you less or more and leave you with not enough for another purchase, etc. So with this change who knows, it might actually be a good thing for you in the long run. I’ve always thought that selling lots of small items is more preferable than selling one expensive item, because those players that spent $2 might spend another $2 the next day, whereas if you spent a ton then you might never buy anything ever again. It’s all about psychology :slight_smile:


Quite a few people in quite a few ways I’d imagine given that stream of invective.

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Thanks for the update and change. This is very reasonable now.
I’m happy to spend some money on the MTX now.

Keep in mind, sometimes you make more money from making things cheaper. The cheaper, the more people will buy. This could lead to a higher revenue in the long run. So, I think it’s a good move for both the gamer and the dev. :slight_smile:

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Wow, this is incredible news. Thank you EHG. I can’t wait to use the revised MTX Shop, because this new version respects the players and their dollars.

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so where do I swipe my credit card again? LUL Good Job EHG!

Take that vitriolic attitude elsewhere. EHG is proving to have passion for their game and it’s community along with having enough class and grace to admit to making mistakes while immediately working to correct them.

I already planned to be supporting this game through MTX purchases, as I do with PoE, this only ensures I’ll likely support it more than I originally thought. Big W today EHG.


You asked “Do I have this right?” - No sir, no you do not. Your assessment seems unrelated to reality. I love the graphics, the classes are complete (any locked subclasses are just EXTRA), the skill system is the best an ARPG has to offer, this is not “milking” it’s business and continuing the lifetime of the game.


One of my viewers bought me this game 3 years ago. (I would NOT have purchased this myself) I didn’t even bother playing it until they added multiplayer. I don’t think I’ll play it much til there is actually a point to playing.
“Last Epoch fans aren’t here because they want something that’s already been done; you are here because you see how much we have to offer the genre. Over time we hope to bring that same innovation and player focus into the monetization space.”
Yeah it’s been 3 years, and I can’t even trade anything unless I found it in the same zone with the person I’m trading to. Have you ever heard of an online ARPG without a trade system? I’m not asking them to innovate, I’m asking for the game to work properly, to be able to trade with other players without ridiculous restrictions, and to actually have a reason to grind for gear besides fighting the same monsters over and over for infinity. There is no point to playing games like these, if you can’t battle other players.


Why would anyone care about racing in a game that isn’t finished yet? Ragging on EHG for that is pretty ridiculous. Their #1 priority is to get a launch-ready product out the door - not cater to an extremely small subset of the playerbase.


Oh really, because when I stream this my viewers say the game looks ancient. I say that’s funny it’s still in beta and probably won’t get an official launch for 1-2 years.

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Cool, but hopefully next time we dont have to riot for you to do the right thing.

Thank you for those changes. Not having “leftovers” is wonderful!
Now I will gladly spend some money, most probably in some support package (as a start).

Those pricings are way more reasonable. I will buy something to support the team and development of the game.

However instead of that, regardless the amount of players who have bought the game already & the 10cent investment, they are more focused on getting a shop out, with shitty looking cosmetics to take more money off the playerbase… Here is a novel idea… Finish the game first, then implement the shop.


Low prices for a major title perhaps. This is a $35 game I got gifted, and after playing in it’s current form… I wouldn’t spend $10 on the game itself, let alone a silly looking portal u will never even see.

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EHG doesn’t have mind-reading technology. How exactly are they supposed to preemptively react to feedback when everyone has differing opinions?

Not to hard defend, but people do be begging for MTX for a while, just rewatch any old developer stream


There’s plenty of point for the people that think that PvP is hot garbage. If you like ganking others then yeah, not much point.

That’s not going to happen 'cause they don’t want it to turn into an economy sim like certain other aRPGs.

Is there any other reason for getting better gear in D3 or PoE? It all ultimately revolves around getting better gear to do harder stuff to get better gear, etc.