Resistances in character sheet

Are the resistances shown in the character sheet no longer knocking off the 75% for being in a level 75+ zone like they did before? Im at 165% fire resistance in my character sheet standing in a level 100 mono and I added up my fire res and I definitely have 165% total fire res.

in 1.0 if i was in in a level 100 mono it wouldve shown I was at 90% fire res and then if I went to a starting area it would be full 165%

They are not. They show your value and you should be aware of their current level.

Did it ever show differently? I don’t think it did at least since 0.9.2, but it could have at some point before that.

But there will be character sheet improvements to come. I think they were even planned for 1.1 but got delayed and didn’t make it.

I have a distinct memory of it knocking the 75% for being in a 75+ zone. I could be wrong but im like 99% sure it did it automatically last season. So I actually need 150% res to show on each one now correct?

No. You never did. It caps at 75%, it reduces with area level until your effective resistance is 0% and you can’t increase it past that.
It’s always been that way. Or at least, for a few years.

This is why having resists at 70-74% isn’t a big deal in Last Epoch as opposed to PoE. If your resistances are at 74% you take 1% more damage. If it’s 70%, you take 5% more damage.

In LE, 1% resistance actually equates to 1% damage.

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. My character sheet shows Fire resistance at 75% and underneath it is (165%) like I have 90% too much fire resistance. In 1.0 my character sheet would’ve shown I had 75% and underneath it wouldve been (90%) because it knocked off the 75% automatically

No, I think you’re mistaken. What it shows below is your total uncapped resistance, simply. It never shows reduced. If in 1.0 it showed (165%) and now it shows (90%) that means you don’t have as much extra resistance.

And honestly, 165% is totally overkill and completely wasted unless you’re doing it for sinergies, like cold resistance with shackles.

In fact, one of the reasons it never adjusted the number is exactly because of that. You need to know your total uncapped resistance for shackles. If it reduced according to level it would make it much harder to know how much the gloves were getting.

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No, I’m pretty sure it’s always just shown your raw resists as it doesn’t change when you move zones into higher/lower areas.

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