Resistance Changes Feedback Thread

For what it’s worth, Lagon’s first phase and the like are pretty easy since you just move out of the way of the telegraphed attacks.

The second phase with the large tentacles was extremely difficult for me. The multiple waves were very hard to evade and they melted my Health away. Maybe I need to attack that phase differently (walk around the edges?), but I haven’t tried yet.

If the first phase is skill/twitch based, and the second phase is gearcheck, I very much like that template for bosses in the game. The game is, afterall, about progressing your gear. Bosses need to be a little gearcheck. There should also be some skill involved though so that bosses aren’t boring.

Put frenzy and rampage on that bad boy. It will get fun again :smile:

So what do u guys think about spicy nuggets on McDonalds?

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You forgot cooldown reduction too :joy:

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The new resistence mechanic opens up a lot more build possibilitys then we had before. Look at everything prior to the last patch. You’ve been forced to have X ammount of different set affixes to work with. Now you get your resis up high pretty easiely BUT then you have other stuff to tinker with. I think right now we have more diversity then before and it feels good.

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This is not entirely true. In 0.7.10 gear tax requires more affixes than old GB ever did. It used to be 4 prefixes and your tax was done now its 12 if you were to do sets.

But it is true. I don’t think people stopped at just 100% GB. You had to build other defenses so set dodge, set protections, set hp, etc. You take out GB so that freed up 4 slots. And resistances are reworked to be more intuitive yet in such a way that it’s not mandatory to max out (to be determined).

You still have to build Hp and dodge if you want to be competitive in Arena. That leaves you with 0 free affixes to do what you want. You need frailty, Dodge, HP, resistance, Shred, Pen


So you can discount the Shred and Pen since the discussion is about defense.

Protections are built now because they are better than before. People aren’t required to build resists like they were GB in the past. (Although I am not sure GB was worth it at the expense of protections before when considering DoT issues).

You ARE building what you want if you are putting all those things in. Frailty, Dodge, HP, Resist, Shred, and Pen is A LOT. Having all that is a choice.

You can come back and try to minimize and say that “all those things are REQUIRED!!!”. That is wrong. Dodge, Shred, and Penetration are not ubiquitous, and maybe not needed/wanted by most.

Also, wanting “to be competitive in Arena” is also a choice. The game is not, and cannot be balanced based on an infinite scaling game mode. It would completely ruin the rest of the game by making the content pointlessly easy.

You are missing the point that it still requires 12 prefixes to cap all resistances if you don’t take any passives or skills with resistances. Old GB was 4 prefixes and that was it, you were free to do whatever you want.

Or does this look like “freedom” Gear Planner Sets are 12 prefixes and by using suffixes its more

You are wrong. It takes AT MOST 10 prefix and 5 Suffix to cap resists at 115%. If you are building Set Elemental Resist, that is your fault for not comparing it to the Flat Elemental Resist suffix.

GB may have only been 4 prefixes, but you could never survive on just GB. Everyone was forced to take other defensive affixes as well. To claim it was just 4 affixes to reach the same level of defense as “12” to resist cap now is a strawman argument.

Also, good job demeaning your own argument by providing “evidence” taking the LEAST efficient method to cap resists.

Here is just 4 items that covers most resists minimally.

If you add just one more item with the 3 affixes you can get capped at or above 115%.

You can’t expect to have everything. It’s a balance and have to consider opportunity costs. It takes roughly 10 prefix slots and a few suffix slots to max out resists. And that’s the maximum. I can get away with using 9 prefix slots, use three uniques with no defensive stats and still max out my resists way overcapped. I still have plenty of slots to play with. My amulet prefix slots are pure offensive with one of my belt prefix slots being offensive as well. My weapon, relic, and gloves are uniques so that’s 6 prefix slots (4 if just considering defensive stats) used up on something entirely different. That’s on top of building crit avoidance and the option to have class specific suffixes in the helmet/body armor slots. And the build also considers the passives and skill nodes. You can’t boil it down to “oh I have to have these slots taken up for sure” when there’s options. You don’t have to max out resists. You can go dodge, armor, hp, ward, etc. The old system you HAD to max out GB no question and that was on top of the other defensive requirements. Now GB is gone and you just have the other defensive requirements to fill out.

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As I said further up, you only need 4x sets of void/phys & necrotic poison to cap those stats plus an additional 4-5 ele resists…


Clearly i said it is 12 affixes to cap. Your planner is 12 affixes just like mine is. 4 items each has 3 affixes is 12 affixes in total. Edit- I did talk about prefixes but it comes 12 affixes still 12 affixes no matter how you do it

Well facts are hard to deny. We are doing it with less than 12 prefixes. I don’t know how to help you. What class are you playing? What are you building? Set elemental?

And yeah, piggybacking off of Darkdeal - you can’t get over investing 12 prefix slots into a defensive stat? What do you want, all offense? No one is stopping you from doing that. It’s your choice. It’s your choice on what type of defense you’re building. It’s your choice that you think you MUST max out resists. It’s on you that you can’t figure out how to build max resists with less than 12 prefixes (seems like that’s what you want).

So 12 affix out of a potential 44 doesn’t seem like that much of an investment to me. Especially considering that resists help mitigate all kinds of incoming damage.

You are missing the point… Old GB was only 4 affixes out of 44


Old: 4 prefixes tied to GB AND other defensive prefixes
New: 4 GB prefixes GONE. Other defensive prefixes

4 - 4 = 0.

And speaking from experience: I am able to invest the 4 set GB slots into set physical/void and take off my orian’s eye. That saved me 4 slots in the amulet spot.

Old GB is not equal to current resists. You are making a strawman argument trying to claim that it was.

Wtf am I reading. LUL
I feel bad for you trying to explain how game works xd