Resetting maps/mobs after using Town Portal

I don’t like this…

If I port to sell some loot, there should be a grace period of at least a couple minutes in which I can return to an area in the same state in which I left it.

I port back in and my map discovery progress is reset and the same mobs I just killed have returned and are surrounding me when I port back to the map.

I know,. Its beta. Theres too much porting around as it is, make it feel like a more fluid experience and save map progress when using town portal.


I noticed this also. Seems really strange. I wonder if this is still the case if you’re playing with a friend who doesn’t go back when you do. If so, no real reason it shouldn’t work the same way for solo, except maybe server load / architecture reasons the player should never really have to worry about.

Known issue, not intended, should have been “fixed” with mp but wasn’t.

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Was playing around with this last night.

I stayed in map, friend TP to town, all their loot on the ground disappeared when they came back, mine stayed until I also ported out.

There are times when you can leave a ‘zone’ through a glowy portal doorway thing, and the loot stays, like gold, but other times it does not.

Seems like it just doesn’t save the state of the map for any given amount of time.


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