Requested Features

Hi, I really like what you are trying to do with the game, but I really miss having at least one of the features listed below, that would keep me playing.

  • Limited time events, lasting for about 10 days, with a progress bar, earning exclusive rewards along the way (can be just cosmetics, and doesn’t have to be FOMO like. They can be accessible in the game later again.) Should have like a special map and currency / boss, in order to progress. Not like the event last time where certain stats were just globally boosted.
  • PVP, not just in zones, but with a matchmaking and closed off arenas. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 6v6, capture the flag / etc. Gear should matter, because this is what makes me appreciate grinding for it. Otherwise you are playing just against yourself and imaginary leaderboard. Weaker players shouldn’t be matched with stronger ones anyway, so the stats should be there.
  • Mounts please :slight_smile: Doesn’t have to make the player that much faster but it’s just a nice thing one can collect too.

Thank you for your effort in making the game fun!

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Would solve arenas problem of being a bit lackluster. You could spend Arena Keys to either play it solo for the boss drops, or fight other players for good rewards. Love both of these ideas!


We just had a limited time event recently, and it had its own exclusive reward, and one before that. There will be more, something to look forward to.

As for PvP, I’m not a fan and glad they don’t have it. This is an ARPG after all and I think PvP belongs more to the MMO genre. Besides my personal feelings on it, I don’t think the devs are planning on adding PvP, but I can’t remember for sure what they’ve said on it.

Mount, once again I don’t think it will happen but that could change.

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Mike has said on stream more than once, when asked about it, that he’d like to add PvP to the game. One idea he threw out there was a zone where people go in and just go at each other, even at low level.
He likes D2 PvP, so it might be based on that, when it happens. But it’s not a priority thing and I don’t think it’s being actively worked on.

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Thanks for replying, I just watched the questions answered from the dev stream 157 and 158, and it is becoming clearer that the devs have a different vision for the game than I would have wished for. Mainly talking about procedural generation, etc.

There’s plenty of things LE does absolutely great in my opinion (artstyle, crafting, …), but I guess I’m just missing some features that used to be in my favorite game as a kid.

To the PVP question - many games do it as like just a zone or open arena where you come but what happens there hardly matters. I personally really like more structured pvp, because for me, it gives value to the items I’m trying so hard to get.

And mounts, well, to me it just seems like they belong in this kind of a game, and just like pvp, can be balanced in a way, that would not affect the state of the game and so it’s just a benefit for those who want it.

I’m glad I supported the game anyways :+1:

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My two pence on these subjects.

  • Events:
    Generally, I feel like the game is missing some fun factor. A lot of it. It feels like they are so caught up in the technical issues they can’t focus on light, fun stuff. No achievements, nothing to collect.
    The undead event could have been a good idea, but utterly failed (to me) by lack of fun factor: no progression bar, undead were so numerous I didn’t even notice their special powers, no quests linked to them, no boss, no rewards to slowly unlock.
    Cycles have the same problem: when I was playing PoE, I used to look forward to a new season because they always managed to come up with some crazy ideas. Some worked, some not so much, but I always got a “I wonder what madness they invented this time” feeling making me log in to check. LE might get there at some point, but right now the cycles being core content simply don’t work. Core content and seasonal fun (that word again) should be separate.
    So yes, on events I agree with you, we are definitely missing something fun once in a while.

  • PvP:
    I don’t really like PvP myself, and I don’t feel like it really belongs in diablo-likes. Works a lot better in MMOs in my opinion, were each class is a lot more different and needs collaboration, making stuff like capture the flag or territorial conquest interesting.
    I wouldn’t mind if they decide to implement it, but one word of caution: if you think the game has balance issues now, think again. PvP is an absolute balance nightmare, that would make all the problems a thousand times worse.

  • Mounts:
    I don’t see the point in a game with very small zones with loading between each and zero need to revisit any zone. I can’t think of a single place in the entire game where it would feel useful to mount up.
    It works in Diablo 4 because of the large open world. Other than that, it is clearly a MMO feature (or RPGs with vast open worlds like the Witcher), no use at all in most diablo-likes.