Rendering error in log repeats 240k times in 5 minutes

The following error is repeated over 240k times in the space of 5 minutes.

First recorded log 2023-03-19T15:48:20.1015287+00:00
Last recorded log 2023-03-19T15:53:08.0898750+00:00

Character was running an unempowered Monolith echo (Fall of the Outcasts) at the time. No visual bug was noted and no obvious change in game performance was noted but the logfile rapidly increased in size.

2023-03-19T15:53:08.0354510+00:00 More submeshes (1) than materials (0) - not supported
LE.Telemetry.PrependTimestampLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRendererExtensions:RenderOrLog(PostProcessEffectRenderer, PostProcessRenderContext)
UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer:RenderList(List`1, PostProcessRenderContext, String)
UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer:RenderInjectionPoint(PostProcessEvent, PostProcessRenderContext, String, Int32)

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)\

Attached, is the logfile - it needed to be zipped due to filesize. (1.5 MB)

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