Relics droping to close to tower

Started a new character. In council chamber, turned in a quest to receive my unique it dropped where I can not pick it up. Went to sheltered woods and clicked on tower it dropped a unique, Right by tower and I cant pick up either one. Just stand and look at the beam that towers straight to the sky wishing I knew what dropped.

Welcome to the forum…

There are locations in certain maps that prevent picking up items - i.e. they drop outside the map - and the devs correct each location on the map as these are found - if you find these places please be sure to include a screenshot with the map name & the map overlay to make it easier to see the exact spot where the item drops.

As a side note, being unable to pick up things - are you sure you are not toggling ground items with Alt-Z / Z (old default) and using too restrictive filters (toggle filters by holding down X). Either of these can prevent item pickup even if you can still see that its a unique. Your comment about “wishing I knew what dropped” may actually point to one of these issues rather than a map problem because usually with a map problem you can still “see” what dropped you just cannot pick it up.