Related-skill tooltips should show "more info" when ALT is held

  1. hover anything with a tooltip that talks about a skill

ex: item “evade is replaced by terrify”,
ex: Necromancer Transplant skill tree, “Bone Armor” node

  1. hold ALT for to see the extended info

  2. WITNESS: it shows another tooltip for the referenced spell. At the bottom of the spell tooltip is says “more information” but there is no way to actually cause the second spell tooltip to show the extended information

EXPECTED: There should be some way to see the extended info on the spell tooltip that appears chained off the first tooltip

It could just show when I’m holding ALT on the first tooltip. This is the simplest thing. This would cause that secondary Spell tooltip that shows when you hold ALT to always display in it’s extended form.

Chained tooltips chould show extended info if I hold ALT-SHIFT

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