Reign of Dragons: too many item types covered by this one monolith

That’s actually a really good question, but more specifically by each mono. Here are the numbers I came up with.
Black Sun: 15
Fall of the Outcasts: 15
Stolen Lance: 28
Ending the Storm: 16
Blood, Frost, and Death: 15
Fall of the Empire: 9
Spirits of Fire: 14
Last Ruin: 19
Age of Winter: 27
Reign of Dragons: ~43 (I may have missed some here)


Not really, it is just the monolith for melee weapons?
We all need one chest item, one pair of boots, and one weapon (OK, maybe two for dual-wielders), so I don’t really see the problem. One monolith, one slot, that sounds very fair.

If anything, I feel like the “overloaded” mono is Age of Winter, not Reign of Dragons.
Having rings and amulets in the same monos, that’s 3 slots (everybody needs 2 rings, not that many need 2 weapons).

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I wonder how 1.0 is going to change this distribution with whatever new drops are coming for Warlock and Falconer? And any other new ones that might be incoming.

Did you even read the stats above your post?

I did of course, and I still don’t see the problem?
(Well, it does show that the amount of uniques in this game is becoming preposterous, and I have been saying that for a long time, but I don’t think that was the point.)

You are talking about “distribution”. What do you mean?
Right now, for each equipment slot, we farm a different mono. 9 monos out of 10 needed to farm full gear. That is very well distributed.
How would you redistribute? Something like Spirits of Fire, boots+daggers? Ending the Storm, gloves+swords? Any given character would have LESS monos to visit, and farm the same one longer (the one with the weapon type they wish to use).

The only scenario where the current distribution might feel wrong is if you are using one single character to farm all the different uniques, to complete an achievement or a collection tab that doesn’t exist.

It is far more important to separate these by individual echo rewards.
Because not all available item types are in the same reward category.

We had several similar discussions in the past and I do think the overall distribution is not that bad.

My numbers are no longer 100% accurate, because we got a few new uniques but the overall distribution is very similar.

Reign of Dragons has the highest amount of items both combined and in an individual category. I think it might be an idea to break apart some of these combined rewards even further, but we might need more uniques for that to make sense.

I think the problem is that one generally wants a specific weapon type/base so if you want a sword, the node dropping a dagger, axe, mace, etc isn’t particularly useful, you’ve only got a 1 in 8 chance of it even dropping the “right” type, let alone the desired unique (& heaven forbid you want it with LP).


I’m not 100% sure exactly what you mean but if you mean for instance separate Reign of Dragons by “Swords”, “Axes”, “Maces”, etc. I did that but not in that post. The issue stated by the OP was that there were too many in Reign of Dragons so they weren’t quite evenly distributed.

Here is what I have for RoD for instance (which I stated could be missing a few):
Swords: 1H-8, 2H-7
Axes: 1H-7, 2H-4
Maces: 1H-3, 2H-4
Daggers: 6
Polearms: 4 (here’s where there may be some missing and I’m sure there are with this low number as I lost count of what LE considers polearms so I’m sure there are some missing)

The point by the OP, which I agree with, is if you’re farming for a sword then you have at least 43 possible items that you will get a special node for, so they are competing your attention.

That means there are 5 possible special nodes that “could” pop up and IF you get a sword node, then you have a 1-in-15 chance of getting a sword.

If you’re farming for gloves then you only have 1 special node to pop up and you have a 1-in-16 chance with each of those to get the sword you are farming for.


They changed the name to spears a while ago. There are 8, though 1 drops from Exiled Mages & 1 from Harton so only 6 are available from the unique spear mono node.

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What I meant is, that Reign of dragons has 40+ items in total across all available exclusive reward types, but that is misleading because it’s two different reward types with their individual loot pool.


  1. Axes, Maces, Polearms
  2. Daggers & Swords

So your statement here is wrong:

Because both of these exclusive rewards are separate.

As pointed out already, even with that separation Reign of Dragons is still one of the worse timeline lines for amount of items in the reward pools.

Yes and no. The echo rewards are weighted and they don’t really “steal each other”. We don’t know how the system works under the hood but having one or multiple exclusive reward types in one timeline might or might not really impact the chance of getting a specific one.

The timelines that do have multiple exclusive rewards seem to spawn way more exclusive reward echoes in my experience, so I assume they are weighting within one big pool, so having 1 or 2 or 3 of these in a given timeline might not make that much of a difference in how often you encounter them.

Also keep in mind that the uniques all have a weighting within the same category.

Some categories might have more items in total, but it is quite possible that the unique you want from a category that “only” has very few uniques in the pool is still smaller than getting one from the bigger category

I understand that there is weighting involved in the chances of each but it seems we have a difference of opinions regarding this primary issue. To have 43 different uniques to farm in one timeline and only 9 in another timeline is a little unbalanced to me.

Like I said, we have a difference of opinions, and that’s ok. In the end it’s the choice of the devs and how they see it, not how I see it.

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Monos are being redone for 1.0 anyway. I seem to recall that something was being worked on regarding reward echoes, but I might be misremembering or it might not be for 1.0 (or both).

I have not watched the most recent few dev streams, but there was no major overhaul or revamp planned for endgame systems for 1.0, unless they did teaser that in one of these dev streams.

Only the introduction of Factions will introduce new opportunities for rewards.

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Realistically speaking you will never farm the same timeline for more than 1 or 2 uniques for a build, unless you are a completionist or want to farm sepcific gear for multiple builds.

So having a timeline with 12+ (there is no timeline with only 9 uniques) and having a timeline with 40+ uniques does not really make that much of a difference.

Why does it matter that they are so eqaully distributed? It does not really affect you as a player as long as its not making the chances worse, which it really deosn’t that much, because the disparity between individual categories is only ~ +/- 8-9 uniques.
The only great disparity is the Mace, Axe and Polearm Rewards, which might needs to be splitted up in 1H and 2H

I’m pretty sure a rework of monos is coming for 1.0. At least the change where corruption will be the main growth/important factor and not the echo mods. I just don’t remember if they mentioned anything about rewards echoes or not, or if it was for 1.0 if they did.

Unless they changed it, Fall of the Empire is belts only and there are only 9 unique belts that are random drops. Therefore that timeline is only for 9 uniques.

And this is my point, the rest is not that major. Therefore it does matter if I’m trying to farm for that one 1H axe with LP.

Yes corruption scaling/enemy modifier overhaul will be huge for sure, but that doesn’t really change the rewards system. Only which rewards scale better. (For example LP will have higher chances on higher corruption IIRC).

But EHG clearly staed that 1.0 will have no major endgame changes.

However they already planned 2 major expansion to the MoF system post 1.0.
So they do have big plans, just not 1.0, at least in that regard.

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Ok, as I said, I might have been misremembering it. Thanks for clarifying.

Nope they didn’t change anything but there are more than 9 belts in that specific loot pool for a long time.
Current number is 12 and this has not changed in the last few patches

Yes we can agree on that, but this is only that one specific example of that one specific echo reward.

The OP makes it seem that it is important to have fewer items in the whole timeline, which does not matter IMO.
Only those individual rewards pools are important to be somewhat balanced.

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I’m not sure if I understand you correctly there so I might be about to say the exact same thing :joy:
I think the issue with the OP is that, if you go to the other monos, after uncovering let’s say 100 echoes, you can expect to get x special reward ones. Let’s say that it’s 10 and that it’s something like 4 general uniques, 3 sets and 3 glove uniques.
Then you go to the RoD and for those same 10 you might get 4 general ones, 3 sets, 2 swords/daggers, 1 spears. And you were looking for axes.

I don’t think it’s the number of unique items that’s the issue, it’s that RoD has several target farmable echoes while other monos only have 1, making it harder to farm for a specific one.

Personally, I have no issue with it. I’d rather just have a more diluted pool in this one and maybe pick some other unique weapons for other builds along the way, rather than having my chance of farming gloves diluted by some weapon choice. But it’s a matter of preference.