Reign of Dragons: too many item types covered by this one monolith

Nope they didn’t change anything but there are more than 9 belts in that specific loot pool for a long time.
Current number is 12 and this has not changed in the last few patches

Yes we can agree on that, but this is only that one specific example of that one specific echo reward.

The OP makes it seem that it is important to have fewer items in the whole timeline, which does not matter IMO.
Only those individual rewards pools are important to be somewhat balanced.

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I’m not sure if I understand you correctly there so I might be about to say the exact same thing :joy:
I think the issue with the OP is that, if you go to the other monos, after uncovering let’s say 100 echoes, you can expect to get x special reward ones. Let’s say that it’s 10 and that it’s something like 4 general uniques, 3 sets and 3 glove uniques.
Then you go to the RoD and for those same 10 you might get 4 general ones, 3 sets, 2 swords/daggers, 1 spears. And you were looking for axes.

I don’t think it’s the number of unique items that’s the issue, it’s that RoD has several target farmable echoes while other monos only have 1, making it harder to farm for a specific one.

Personally, I have no issue with it. I’d rather just have a more diluted pool in this one and maybe pick some other unique weapons for other builds along the way, rather than having my chance of farming gloves diluted by some weapon choice. But it’s a matter of preference.

Unless the lastepochtools database is wrong, there are 13 unique belts currently, but 4 of them are boss-only drops. That leaves 9 that you can farm for with the specific nodes.

The exclusive echo rewards from MoF are always Unique + Set Items


Yeah, I forgot to add in the Set items. That would bring it up slightly but it would also bring up the others a bit too.

Yes, but all of that was considered by me and the post I referenced to above. This is slightly oudated but the overall distrubution is still very similar

Continuing the discussion from Change exclusive echo reward nodes to only reward one item type:

All those different melee weapon types are not individual categories. Reign fo Dragons has 2 exclusive echo rewards:

  • Unique & Set Daggers & Sword
  • Unique & Set Axes, Maces & Polearms

as mentioned above already the Axes, maces and Polearms category is definitely by far the worst i nterms of number of items, but the change to get these exclusive rewards nodes doesn’t really matter in which timeline you are. Some timelines have onyl 1 echo rewards, others might have them seperated into 2 different nodes, but the chance to get them is fairly similar.

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Well, it’s not quite similar. I don’t know exactly how it’s programmed, but if you look at the fact that “common” echoes, like gold and shards, are more common than the special echoes, when the game “decides” to roll these echoes, having 1 option or 2-3 options is quite different.
If you only have special gloves on a mono, you can expect to see 5 glove echoes out of 100 (completely made up numbers, just to exemplify). However, if you have 2 of them, like with the weapons, you can expect to see 2-3. And if you have 3 of them you can expect to see only 1-2. And the more echoes you do, the further this different grows.

Now, what seems to make the most sense (in terms of programming) is that there is a single echo pool, with heavier weights for the common ones. In which case each echo would have however many choices available to them (let’s say 12) while RoD would have 13. The difference is smaller, but over the course of hundreds or thousands of echoes it does make a difference.

In this case, maybe it’s more of an issue of perception and confirmation bias. You want swords and you see an axe echo show up and it confirms the bias. Or maybe it does make a difference.

In any case, whether it’s because you see less of the echoes you want to target or because the echo you’re targetting drops a different type from the one you want, the fact is that weapons are harder to target farm than the rest. Even without taking into account weights and rarity.

As I said, I have no issue with the way it is, I just take it as part of the game, but I can understand the OP’s frustration.

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I wonder if there is any % adjustments for the echoes that have more than one reward type available? I can see the original complaint, especially if you’re looking for an Axe, in the largest pool of items, from a multiple-type echo, that has multiple bases. Whereas, if you just wanted boots, you know each time you complete that echo, you’re going to get a shot at boots.

I think it might be a bit of both, tbh. A real issue, exaggerated with confirmation bias. Because, unless there is a higher chance to get the Set/Unique reward in the 4 or 5 with more than one reward-type echo (Sword/Dagger OR Axe/Mace/Polearm)… then it’s definitely (real, not imagined) going to be tougher to target farm. And that’s not even counting the rarity weighting on the item itself.


Yes my point exactly. Who knew it was so hard to understand?

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