Reduced corruption nodes, delete them

they are counter to the actual point of increasing corruption and reward chance,
Thanks for any DEV that responds

No, they’re there for you to un-#### your monolith if you push the corruption further than you can handle.


DIsagreed, sometimes we need/want to reduce corruption!

I am neutral on this since dev has introduce way to catch up on corruption. It can be nice, albeit too accesible, to farm orobyss without worrying about increase/decrease corruption. Devs can always introduce another way to reduce corruption if this method is removed.

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Did I miss something? They introduced a way to “catch up” on corruption without doing the Orobyss nodes?

The catch they are talking about is where if you have 150 corruption in another timeline and do shade on a 100 timeline you will get more corruption because of the 150 corruption timeline.

Sorry. Paraphrasing: IF dev remove the function to decrease the corruption from orobyss node, the node can presumably only increase or keep it the same so we cam farm orobyss without worrying about corruption. edit: the decrease corruption function can be implemented elsewhere.

Until you overegg your corruption & realise that you can’t complete mono zones & you’ve bricked that monolith.

Ah, I thought you were talking there was currently another way to increase corruption besides those nodes.

Yeah I see what you’re saying but the only reason I could see this happening is if you like totally respect your character or if your skill gets nerfed into the center of the Earth,

point of my original post was that it’s very frustrating to see these things pop up and with no other increase nodes that’s where things go south, I feel if you we are only getting one type then I agree it’s it’s a problem and that is the current situation. I have not once seen both positive and negative corruption nodes, maybe I need to play another thousand monos or something

The amount of corruption gained or lost by a shade is not random.

It’s based on two facors:

  • Current corruption
  • How far is the node away from the starting point

The higher corruption you go, the further you need to go out from the starting point to still get positive corruption.

This system has no hardcap though, the shades that are the the very edge of the web will always give you between 15-20 corruption, it will only take longer to find the first positive corruption shade.

This is a very natural difficulty progression IMO.

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