Reddit karma threshold is annoying and a bad idea

Did you try to create some posts to get that obligatory +1 karma?

Don’t know if you just need to counter -5 or if you had a really bad day and need to create 200 posts to get to 0… :laughing:

Or just do as suggested and stay with us here :grin:. Apart from @Heavy, all people are really nice here!

i don’t know, they did not told me but i don´t want to start “smiles and rainbows” kind of posts only to “grind” to good karma, also i don’t have more than -20 of karma so should not be a big thing but anyways.

Reddit accounts have positive karma upon creation, and posts which are both heavily upvoted and also heavily downvoted increase your karma overall due to a cap on the number of downvotes that can impact your karma. To offer an example of this, the most heavily downvoted Reddit comment of all time was this one by EACommunityTeam, which received 668,000 more downvotes than it did upvotes. Clicking on the link to their profile will show a handful of comments with hundreds or dozens of net upvotes, and about as many with several hundred thousand net downvotes. Their comment karma is positive and a five-digit number.

There was a time when bots advertising knock-off merchandise such as t-shirts were taking up a considerable amount of our time, and also making r/LastEpoch look unmoderated - nobody likes going to a subreddit and seeing spam from bots on the front page. The introduction of a modest karma requirement to post in our subreddit resolved that problem overnight - most bots have in the range of +5 - -5 karma, and so their spam is removed without ever being seen.

I am genuinely sorry that this filter is impacting you, however I have to respectfully disagree with your claim that it is a bad idea. The metric relied upon by the filter is biased in your favour. The subreddit has nearly 10,000 Redditors subscribed to it, receives comments and votes from people that aren’t included in that number, and I believe this is the first time a user with negative karma has contacted us regarding it. The filter does a tremendous amount of good.

Every Redditor occasionally has comments downvoted, and I can appreciate that this happening several times right at the start may taint one’s impression of the system as a whole. That said, I do think you may have been overly quick to judge it. Just spending some time in subreddits relevant to your interests and being respectful when posting will result in the majority of your posts being well-received. This is how the system works and won’t take long at all.


while i understand your point of trying to keep a good being of the reddit community i think 5/-5 barrier is too low to an app that can be as conflictive as twitter sometimes, there should be an strike system or some rules to avoid spammers or maybe some minimun time to be able post and comment (as other communities use), but just because the only other post i ever done in reddit was bad receive should not punish my activity in another entirely different community.

PD: Thx for the anwers Sarno but looks like a thing that can do more harm that good at least in those ranges, like i already state giving a minimun time to be able to participate in the reddit could be a better option.

What you suggest is outside of what we can achieve on Reddit; we cannot perform any real programming there - all we can do is configure tools made available to us by Reddit.

Respectfully, I’m still not quite sure you get just how low a proportion of legitimate users would be impacted by this, or just how quickly the problem would go away. Submitting a single on-topic link to a subreddit you’re interested in could you get you 100 karma in the blink of an eye.

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Out of curiosity, if a person did get sufficient negative karma to not be able to post, would there be a way to get out of that particular hole? Having not used reddit, would this not mean you couldn’t post at all? Or is that just new threads not replies?

Sure; there’s an unfathomably large number of subreddits.

Many don’t have such a filter in place, but some do.


That depends on how it is configured. For r/LastEpoch, it’s all or nothing.

sure i could but i don’t want to start posts i really don’t care and is really annoying to have to always keep seeing my back if someone have a bad intention and lows my karma because disagree with me.
Also i would like to know what would happen if i already where part of the community and then my karma go to lets say -10 i would lost in that moment my right to post automatic way?

BTW: sorry if i edit soo much or change the order of words of conjugation, i am not english native and i try my best so try to have patience with me XD.

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So positive karma is shared but negative karma is sub-reddit-specific?

On my personal account within the last seven days, I have;

  • Asked a question because I didn’t know the answer.
  • Linked another Redditor to a similar thread they were interested in.
  • Offered neutral commentary regarding an article that had been shared.

The net votes each time was several dozen upvotes. You don’t have to “grind” karma, as you put it. I get the impression you’ve had a single negative experience based on writing critical comments of a game in a subreddit predominantly visited by its fans, and you’re basing your entire impression of the website on that one experience. I understand why your impression would therefore be negative, but I don’t think you’ve really given it much of a chance.

No; on Reddit an account has post karma and comment karma.

Some subreddits (individual communities) use filters based on these, and others don’t.

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thats indeed the case, just one post on one community, i usually don’t use reddit but i wanted to express myself and as you already state, that was what happen, but i am not the only nor the first person that have that kind of impression about the site, usually when you try to post in a lot of games subreddit that things happen.
its so common that became a meme :laughing:

PD: well at least i already post my concerns and disagreement with the reddit problem, but since you already said that you have kind of “tied hands” in this matter because of reddit poor developer toolkit i am gonna drop the complains here and just stick to the use of forums (of course with the respect and rules that have) anyways thx Sarno for your fast replies, and thanks for read and answer so quick.

This is my last question, if i close my reddit account and make another from zero there is no problem right? there is no ip block or anything so as well as i stay “clean” i can post right?

i have positive karma (12) and could not post in LE Reddit either when i tried… which is really strange… after trying several times and contacted LE team over discord i gave up on reddit. so sad.

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Yeah. Reddit does not prevent you from having several accounts.

was more in the lines of devs and moderators having a problem with that

I doubt that since the menu has specific option to switch accounts (the mobile app at least).

Just out of curiosity, why do you keep an official sub-reddit instead of just let fans create and run one? Is that something you did before you had this forum?

I’ve visited and participated in a lot of subs there so my karma is good (25K+) but when a game I play has a good, friendly and well run forum like this one, I never bother with its reddit.

For D3 I actually prefer reddit because I find the Blizz forums way too whiny for my taste but that’s rare for me. If a game has an official forum I go there first and not reddit.

If you’re familiar with Path of Exile, I expect we’ll end up charting the same course GGG did. When you look at r/PathOfExile’s sidebar you see both the current moderators as well as the person that had created the subreddit originally back in 2011.

A former member of EHG staff created r/LastEpoch in June 2017. For context, our Kickstarter campaign began in April 2018, and people only began working on Last Epoch full-time after it had concluded. The community was a small fraction of what it is today back then, just as the community after 1.0 will be an order of magnitude larger than what it is today.

A relatively small subset of Redditors have the time, inclination, and temperment for moderation and typically there’s an interest in having a subreddit for quite a long time before there’s enough trustworthy people with the amount of time required to moderate it effectively.

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