Recolor crit avoidance not working?

As you can see here - - I have a simple recolor set up for the ‘of life’ and ‘of sanctuary’ suffixes but it only works for the former. You can see rings over to the right that match both suffixes yet only the ‘of life’ ring is being highlighted.

What am I missing here? Cheers.

If you do changes within the filter, it only applies after closing the filter window.

Also do you maybe set a minimum affix tier as a sub-condition of affixes?

Yeah, I applied and closed. No other conditions of filters were active. Tried switching one or other of the filters off but the only item that would highlight was ‘of life’. It works now after logging out and back in again.

Great, that would have been my next proposed fix.

Since the last major patch some people have weird issues with the loot filter, that i never encountered and relogging usually fixes it.

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