Real Hero - Part 3 - Javelin/Smite Paladin

And now, fresh victorious of the campaign, here comes a Paladin.
I leveled him with Javelin, then he became hybrid between Javelin and Smite, both dealing Lightning damage.
The passives are mostly chosen to support him. Without any affix investment, he’s almost capped on Void and Elemental resistances, while Physical and Necrotic are decent. Poison is made decent by crafting.

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Nice one, we all love paladins.

A few questions:

  • You are using a staff, not a spear? Doesn’t it make all the right side of the Lunge tree useless? You could replace these 3 “spear only” points by some auto-smiting after lunge maybe?
  • Not sure you need 5/5 in attunement (Smite health-loss reduction) with a paladin. My warpath-smiter has only 1 points iirc and he is doing fine. (OK, that’s not a question. :wink:).
    Edit: I checked, I have 4/5 in Sacrifice but 0/5 in Attonement, and I barely feel the health loss. Lvl 68 HC)
  • Have you considered Thorn Slinger belt? Movement speed, throwing attack speed, and +1 to Javelin and Lunge?

Yes, because the main damage dealer is Smite.

Yes, I forgot those points, thank you! I started with a spear and switched to staff around Yulia’s Heaven.
In the beginning I wanted to use Tu’Rani’s Bident, but when I tried it lowered my damage immensely. I know Amarathy uses it with his Zeus build, I will watch his video and try to understand. Maybe Javelin is the main damage dealer for him.

Because effects of health-loss can sometimes get you killed, if they happen at the wrong moment. I remember it happened to me: I lost life because of Smite and at that moment I met the Wengari Patriarch’s avalanche. Deadly.

It was my initial choice, but Javelin is converted to Lightning, so it would only be for Lunge. That’s why I prefered a belt with mass life.

I’ll have some work to do on this one!

And here he is after defeating Rahyeh. Converted to a DoT build based on Electrify.

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