Reached Level quicker 95 by ignoring Bosses and Uber Health Enemies in Monolith

no im not telling them to change it to my taste. having a varied difficulty system gives everyone options, and doesnt even change or affect the way you want to play. its a suggestion. arguing against something that will have no affect on you is just ridiculous. god forbid they make changes that draw in more people who can come enjoy the same game you do.

if there is something about the game that i dont enjoy, and i think could use improvement im going to speak up so… either be civil or just ignore me.

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What i also see on higher levels (70+) is that idols play a MAJOR role in damage output or survival and as they are now we need to do a HEAVY grinding to get good rolls on them.

That must changed, or reduce the usefulness of idols or put them also on merchant and why not at the gambler.
That will help a LOT of players who don’t have or don’t want to invest so many hours looking for these.

I agree. But I suspect the solution might be less obvious. Given the game is still in beta, the reason why it feels bad now might be because other systems or itemization is not in place yet. And it may not be useful for the devs to solve the interim issues head on knowing they have solutions in place that are coming.


I’m enjoying myself. I endlessly tweak skills and test. I disagree strongly with OP.


I’m surprised it’s as solid as it is with so many changes. Lots to say but as usual on phone.

I was agreeing specifically to the point about importance of idols late game currently :slight_smile:

That’s forcing YOUR playstyle on others, You probably are the type of player who asked for an easy mode in Dark Souls as you feel you deserved to see the end of the game…when you didn’t. People like you need to stay away from certain games - they are not for you. This is like me going to Dungeons and Dragons dice players and asking them to remake the whole game as I don’t like it, no I will just stay away as its not for me

PoE is supposed to be hard, the devs want to you suffer and earn your place - scamming is legal there

yes this game desperately needs this. if you are locking classes behind certain things then you need to give that class something special ONLY they get. the Mastery bonus added is weak or there needs to be at least 3-5 per class

The Shaman has a passive ‘cast Maelstrom when hit’ its boring but at least its unique to them only. The Lich just has ‘increased damage - drain HP’ everywhere. The lich even has baked in Leech you don’t even want sometimes

Game also needs Unique crafting shards that can give something very unique only on a crafted piece and can go to T5

Nintendo make games more for you, I LOVE a developer who puts a wall in the game and says ‘If you cannot pass this you will not see any further, learn to play our game’


all assuming does is make you look like an ass. move along.

Heres a link to an older topic about advanced mastery classes. Very nice suggestions I’m there that can help with the actual topic.

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Like the ones we have at the moment (though I’d agree that they’re not necessaily powerful, but they do require a minimum level).

I don’t mind this. But it should not be too high lest grinding to very high levels become seen as mandatory rather than a bragging right - which was D2 and POE philosophy and as far as I’m aware, this is how EHG thinks about high/max level as well.

Not exactly. Actually passives are unlocked by the number of points you put into a tree. If you put all points into 1 tree you can get access to the top points easily. This is not the way people go because those top passives are not that powerful. But it could be exploited this way if they are mighty enough. To prevent this the idea was to lock them not only behind a requirement of passive points spent but also behind character level.

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I know, but there’s still a minimum level you have to be to access them (depending on how many skill points you’ve got from quests). At the moment, you can get to the top passives by lvl 50 (or 49 depending on my mental arithmetic) if you go straight up your mastered passive tree. What character level would you want to gate the top tier passives behind? 60? 70? 80? 90? 100?

And that’s the problem, they don’t feel worth the investment.

Could give some flavour, some interesting adition, some power, not too much, something to aim for, but could be something for… Pure Paladins, Pure Necro, Pure etc, just a suggestion.

If you make balanced, could worth the investiment xD.

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I think that’s quite separate but also an interesting idea, what if there were passive nodes at the top of each mastery that gave bonuses if you didn’t have any points in any of the other masteries? That kinda makes me think of something like PoE’s ascendancies in terms of them thematically “guiding” (or straight-jacketing if you prefer) builds…

I originally assumed that the passives at the top of the tree would just be more powerful, rather than only usable if there were no points in the other masteries, but I like your idea as well. :slight_smile: Even if it would be “interesting” to balance.

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Could work, could be good for “Pure classing” xD, ofc, but should not pidgeonhole people to “must have” this kinda of points, like you said, will be “interesting” or hard to balance xD, but something on the top would be nice too…

Just thinking, is hard to be a dev, to balance it all, monster, power creep, balance, etc, but after some tweaking could work.

Remembering, im more casual, you have alot more experience than me (more experience, know alot about the game, etc), my opinion will be more “casual”.

Its good to discuss with the community to help the game grow, giving feedback, etc, casual, between casual/hardcore or hardcore, etc, all opinions are valid.

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i like the idea of having Pure classes more powerful if they used only passives AND skills from their class.
Would give us more options for builds and more important, more roleplaying!!

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Now we are back at the same Problem RIFT had with a similar passive tree. If you make the top passives the best passives different builds won’t be a thing. Right now you can put points into different trees and get something out of it. I dislike the idea to have a 20/5/3/rest build that offers no options anymore because you need that one passive because it’s the best.


I will admit, I too had a hard time getting past the 6th or 7th run in a Monolith, UNTIL, I started looking at my skills and experimenting. Obviously what I was doing wasn’t working. It was broken. So, with that, I would take a few points off a skill and place them someplace else. Heck, I even went as far as trying a totally different skill. Passive points, just the same. Since then, I hit a milestone for me. I finally died at the 19th Monolith run. Only because I zigged when I should have zagged. Does the game need some balancing? Sure. Is it still beta? Yes. That’s the point of beta. Play. Provide feedback and help the devs make the game even better. It also means it’s up to us as players, to play the game. Experiment with skills, passives and gear in order to provide them with as much feedback detail as possible. You’re frustrated (OP), that’s obvious. Take a step back, evaluate your gear, skills, passives and tweak things. Slowly, so that you can go back easily change things without bricking your character.

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