Rahyeh, The Black Sun got stuck

When I was fighting Rahyeh, The Black Sun, in the Ruins of Solarum (Black Sun Timeline), it did it’s line attack, but instead of coming back to the area, it decided to fly all the way to the entrance of the area. From there it appeared to be stuck on some barrels, no matter where I stood it wouldn’t engage me. I was able to kill Rahyeh, without it engaging me at all.

I’ve included a steam screenshot I took. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1756947410485968478/94D7C927A5D92A9E50DAB3C40FD4F1EA46FC21D5/

Do you remember where you were in the arena to get him to fly over to this direction?

I believe I was standing in the middle of the arena, and he flew from the top of the arena with his line nuke.

These type of bugs are very hard to reproduce. We will look into it regardless. In the meantime if you happen to figure out what triggered him doing this feel resubmit the bug report.

Thanks for the report.

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