During his dash-in-the-line attack, he just flies off-screen. Happened few times, only when fighting with primalist’s companions.
Player.log (243.9 KB)
During his dash-in-the-line attack, he just flies off-screen. Happened few times, only when fighting with primalist’s companions.
Player.log (243.9 KB)
Next time this happens check the very bottom of the map. He can fly down and get stuck at the bottom sometimes. Everytime I’ve checked he’s either been down there or reappears upon returning to the arena at the top of the map.
This happened to me too.
When it happened, two of my wolves were missing.
I tried despawning those wolves and summoning them again but it did not change a thing.
It is not stuck at the south of the map, I’ve been witing for at least 5 min and he’s still nowhere to be found.
This is the second time it happend in 6 fights. It’s really annoying
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