Quin69 now streaming last epoch, he prolly wanna give feedback,

if the developers wanna look at this and listen to his feedback, very prominent streamer from d3 and poe :slight_smile: just wanted to note this here,


The last 1-2 weeks there a alot of streamers and people coming to LE either on stream or on other platforms.

I am sure the devs are aware of this and they probably will know how to handle feedback.

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i agree, i just wanted to bring some attention about a big streamer with 10.000+ viewers playing this amazing game and helping boost the sale and name of Last epoch :stuck_out_tongue: in 2 and a half week i played for 150 hours , im addicted :stuck_out_tongue: but now im waiting for a new patch and will prolly spend another 150 hours


Now is the time for the devs to be putting out any interesting bits of upcoming content information. Lots of people will be browsing and looking to know more now.


The amount of attention LE is getting is amazing! PoE Harvest drama, Magic: Legends fiasco and now lots of popular streamers. It’s breaking records of players each day. At the moment we are at all time peak with 4k players on.


We are at almost current double peak players on steam statistics right now, despite not even having a recent patch out just yet. The last time we had a peak of players was the Rogue release patch and currently we are almost doubling this number. Its great and having much more competition / extra builds / more testers finally. Its great!

On the other hand, it is important to keep cheaters in check during this period, leading up to multiplayer release, so the dev’s can get non-corrupted ladder feedback of what people are playing/what skills are strong/what skills are weak, to help with ongoing balancing. Although so far, it appears they have been putting in some effort to regularly policing the top of the arena ladder . Which is great and I am very thankful for, btw!

We do notice these small things where I can see you are putting in the extra mile and we do appreciate it.

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