Quick question re: Bone Golem

I made up a necromancer to test out some things, not high lvl yet. I got the pyro golem to test it out, and I noticed the aura isn’t an aura anymore but a quick burst with a super-long timer.

Has anyone tried this pyro golem yet? If yes, do you care for it? I ask as before the flame aura was fine, did some damage, not a lot, but now the re-cast on the burst is so long it only effects maybe one in every three fights, and even then minimally as the radius seems smaller than it was before (I haven’t exactly measured so I could be wrong but it seems a little smaller).

Thanks in advance.

I had originally thought that infernal aura scales with minion dot but after doing some searching it seems like that’s not the case. Here’s a helpful link I found:

How does Bone Golem’s infernal aura work? What does it scale with? (REDDIT)

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