Questions about Resistances

1- How important are resistances in this game?
2- Which ones should i prioritize maxing over others?
3- What % should i aim for? 75% is cap, but the game tips states that enemies penetrate resistances up to 75 depending on area level, does this mean i need 150% total to be safe?
Some of the questions might have an obvious answer but i just want to get some of that clarified if possible.

  1. Resistances are not as important as they are in poe (for example) but important enough that you want to cap them
  2. All of them but poison resistance is low priority most of the time.
  3. The cap is 75% and monsters have natural pen based on area level so overcapping won’t do anything. You do want slight overcap (10-15%) to counter shred though.
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While you’re playing, the elements the mobs are kinda focussed around vary based on the time period in the campaign. During the Ruined Era it’s void, in the Imperial Era it’s more phys/necrotic & in the Divine Era it’s Elemental. So if you want to focus your resists on those in those time periods that would give you the most bang for your limited bucks.

Alright, good to know, guess i can drop some of these resistances i had way over 100 and use more hp or dmg based affixes, thanks!

Nooooooooooooo, you don’t need that much. Get them capped but don’t fret too much about it. Being undercapped means that you “only” take more damage to the amount that you’re undercapped (1% under capped → 1% more damage taken, not like PoE where it’d 4%).

To drive the point home, if you have 0% resistance in LE - in high lvl areas (75+) you take 75% additional damage (because you effectively have -75% resist) for a total of 175% of the damage taken at max resist.

In PoE if you have 0% resistance (after covering the -60 penalty the game has), you take 300% additional damage (because you take 100% of the damage the enemies deal instead of only 25% you would if you had max) for a total of 400% of the damage taken at max resist. If you don’t cover the mentioned penalty at all (and have -60%), you take 540% additional damage for a total of 640% of the damage taken at max resist.

So effectively, in LE at zero resistances (on your character sheet) you take a little less than half the damage you would in PoE at zero resistances from a monster with the same base damage (175% instead of 400%).


That is INSANELY misleading. The “base damage” of the monster doesn’t take into account your resistance. You even alluded to it when you said they only deal 25% of the damage they would have.

To contribute to the topic though, resists in LE are good to max at 75-85 as it is so easy to do. It is also one of 2 defensive mechanics that mitigate both Hit and DoT damage. (the other is Endurance).

Fair enough, I said “base damage” with a few different contexts in my mind (one being the base creature damage and the other being the “damage taken at max resist”). Updated to more accurately convey what I meant.

Both games are balanced around having max resists. LE is just less punishing for not having capped resists because monster damage is balanced with the penetration.

A good way to look at it is actually LE doesn’t do “resistances” as much as “resist penetration mitigation”. That makes it feel less bad. LE seems like you aren’t actually mitigating any damage with resists as much as preventing BONUS damage from monsters.

PoE = Resists prevent base damage.
LE = Resists prevent bonus damage.

PoE resists just seem much more impactful because monster base damage is scaled up so much to account for max resist.

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It’s not misleading though. If you have zero resists at endgame in PoE you’re taking 4x the damage (100 v 25) you would if you had 75%. If you have -60% you’ll be taking 6.4x the damage (160 v 25). And it only gets worse if you have options to increase the resist cap.

We’ve been through this. Having 0 resist in PoE isn’t taking any more damage. It just isn’t preventing any. It hurts much more in PoE because of monster damage balancing in the context of the resist system.

In PoE, having 0 resist is taking 100% of the damage. In LE, having 0 resist is taking 175% of the damage.
In PoE, having 75% resist is taking 25% of the damage. In LE, having 75% resist is taking 100% of the damage (due to penetration).

Given monster damage balancing, one could make a formula where 25% PoE damage is equal to 100% LE damage. The REAL benefit of LE’s system is what happens for not having capped resists in the context of the games monster damage balance.

It’s a bit confusing. People try to compare the systems without the context of the games monster damage balance. At the end of the day, if you took the PoE resist system and put it into LE without changing anything else in the game, you would take MUCH MUCH less damage in LE.

Thanks for all of the replies, i was just worried because i knew how important capping res was in PoE, but now i got a better idea of what to expect from LE.

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