Questions about forum usage

Is there any way I can embedd links and images into posts besides using the hyperlink function? I’ve seen other posters doing this but I don’t have any of these options on my end.

You need to upload images and videos to websites like,, and (or similar) and then link them in your posts here.


I’d like to know how I can “escape” special characters. Just now I made a post where I used “<” and “>” to enclose a phrase and it just disappeared. I had to replace it with (). I’ve had the same happen with asterisks.
It would be nice to have a place where we could see the options available. I had to use trial and error to find out that you can use double tildes to apply strikethrough.

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They don’t want to have to police people posting malignant code, etc. Anything useful anyone wants to post can be posted using text and image links.

Sure, but it would be nice to know all the stuff the code is supposed to do. For example, I know you can use a sentence surrounded by underscores to make it italic. You can use asterisks to make it italic as well. You can use double tilde to make a strikethrough. Maybe there are a few more like that, but there’s no way to consult this.
Also, and this is important, maybe I’d like to use those characters in my text. For example, it’s quite common to use asterisks for emote, like :cough: (using asterisks, of course). But I have no idea how to do that, since asterisks will simply apply formatting code.

Basically, a simple pinned post in wherever with the forum formatting options would be nice.

Well, the text box says you can use Markdown, BBCode and HTML. Markdown seems to be the default. The syntax can be found here.

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That is a cool list. Using HTML might explain why my text disappeared when I tried to use “<” and “>”.
I would still like to know how I can do something like :cough: with asterisks, since Markdown doesn’t seem to allow that.

Put \ before the symbol you want to escape (so it’s not used as formatting):



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Awesome, thanks. *bow* :smile: