Questions about Falconery Skill Nodes

Hey all,

I just had some questions about nodes in the Falconry skill, and I figured I’d ask before doing a build with it first.

First, regarding the node ‘Trained for the Hunt’. It reads ‘A portion of the highest of your global increased melee damage, increased throwing damage, and increased bow damage now apply to all your Falcon’s damage. * Highest Increased Damage → Falcon Damage: 75%’. Let’s say we have a ton of throwing damage. I know that ‘Increased Damage’ and ‘Increased Throwing Damage’ transfer appropriately and become ‘Increased Damage’ for the Falcon. Would ‘Increased Physical Damage’ transfer as well, and become ‘Increased Physical Damage’ for the Falcon? In other words, does this node transfer specific types of ‘Throwing Damage’, and not just generic ‘Increased Throwing Damage’.

Next, regarding the node ‘Go For the Eyes’. It reads ‘A portion of the highest of your global melee crit chance, throwing crit chance, and bow crit chance now apply to your Falcon. * Highest Added Crit Chance → Falcon Crit Chance: 75%’. My question here regards how the additional crit chance is added. Critical Vulnerability used to work in a way where it got added to the base crit chance of any attack, and thus could be effected by ‘Increased Critical Chance’. This got changed recently, and now (supposedly) only adds a flat amount of added critical chance AFTER you have calculated your Base x Increased. So it’s not as useful. For Go For The Eyes, I am wondering, does it function like Critical Vulnerability used to (added to the base), or like Critical Vulnerability does now (added afterwards). The reason I am interested in this is because I am curious if this value added by ‘Go For The Eyes’ is affected by ‘Increased Minion Critical Strike Chance’.

Thanks for all your help in advance.