Question - Swarmblade and poison

I’m very surprised by the poison damage with Swarmblade form, and I guess it is my fault, there is something I don’t understand.
Here is the build, just after the campaign. Two idols don’t appear, they add flat melee damage, so they’re not very relevant.

I did the whole campaign deathless and I have strictly no Rage issue, the whol build seems to work fine.
When I use Armblade Slashed, poison damage goes up to 650%. And even with that, it is relatively slow. I kill everything, but it takes rather long.
I know it’s only a campaign build and needs huge optimization, but I’m pretty sure I’m going in the right direction.
So, where’s the problem? Is it in the number of stacks I apply? Is there anything else I did not understand?

Hi, so from what I see it seems to me that you neglected the most important affix from this build: chance to poison on hit.

Right now you have 110%, i believe from idols, skills and the viper belt. This is too low.

So you want the venomous intent node in the serpent strike tree, which makes it apply a poison spell with each hit. The nagasa venom nodes with poison chance and poison duration are super valuable. Drop the nodes for kill treshhold and Dodge for now. Second, you want to respec and take all the points of the nightshade fang node in the druid passive tree. You do those two things, your damage should at least double immediately.

Next, you should focus on getting chance to poison on hit on your weapons.

Long-term, focus on getting a salt the wound glove with katanas with crit multiplier, attack speed and poison chance as well as crit multiplier while transformed on idols, helm and chest.

I play swarmblade poison as well. I have over 400% chance to poison and it does feel slow sometimes. There needs to be some kind of optimization done to this tree/form.

also looked at your tree/skills you should really take Tornado, it really helps with clear and single target.

Thank you!

Yes, that was the plan, but they lost their forging potential and I’m still looking for others.

I did but I had Rage issues even with Carnage at 3, that’s why I stopped.

Without the Dodge, I won’t be squishy? I know it’s a Druid, but it’s not a huge tank though. Not yet.

I’ll have a look at all this and see how I can get better. Thanks again!

Druid, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.4e) - Last Epoch Build Planner is my current build. I am doing level 100 empowered monolith’s at 209 corruption right now and nothing is phasing me.

I’m not sure why the build planner is showing things the way they are, but I have 2172 health, 445% chance to poison on hit. With armblade slash’s going I can get up to around 75% to dodge. My poison damage goes upwards of 900.

I don’t use Eterra’s boots, because I can’t find any with LP or I would. I start out the map in Spriggan cast my vines and keep moving, I let the poison kill the mobs and keep moving on. Any rare I see I go balls to the wall on them to keep my rage up.

It’s not perfect I get popped out of form rarely. I do know with regular Eterra’s and the Toxic Reach node in Druid I never get popped out of form. Until I find a 3 or 4 LP Eterra I’ll use these boots to keep my crit avoidance capped. Ideally I would want something like this as my set up. One can dream though.

Ah yes, the Spriggan form is what at was doing at the beginning. Along with Eterra’s boots.
But I found this not very useful, it’s OK with full self sustain. I may also add one point for Rage on dodge, because I dodge at 60%.
I found other gloves and I’m slowly upgrading.

Looks much better! Does it feel stronger?

Yes, it feels better. Not awesome yet, but better!

The main problem with poison as a bug is that using S.Strike, you only get the benefits from inside the tree and not the passives that the skill inherently gives. Also, since you lack aspect of the viper from beastmaster, you lose a lot of poison damage and poison duration. From what has been discussed, it is best to go with salt the wounds and crit multi to make the build feel smooth. It won’t be as good as a full beastmaster due to the lack of above, but it still does well.

Personally, I went the other direction and made myself a bugbleed build that is cruising along to empowered very quickly.

Sure, but I already tried Beastmaster Serpent Strike in several ways, I always found it boring. :wink:
Here, my focus is really on Swarmblade form.

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