Question: % Chance to apply Frostbite on Hit

Does this apply for spells, primarily Divine Bolt which has a spell tag. I know there is crit and spell crit and few other categories that seperate spells and melee. I saw in one of the blessings the “% Chance to apply Frostbite on Hit” which had me wondering if that was just for melee and/or does that apply to spells?

Generic ailment chance like that blessing will apply to anything with an initial hit, including Divine Bolt. Things that only affect melee will say “melee” somewhere in their description, and things that only work for spells will say “spell”. Similarly, Frostbite Chance with Cold Skills won’t work with Divine Bolt (which is Fire, not Cold) but will work with both Shatter Strike (cold melee) and Frost Claw (cold spell).

Forgive the examples from outside the Sentinel class, they’re somewhat lacking in cold skills.

Applies on everything except minions and DoTs.

Sweet! Thanks for the clarifications peoples!