Question about item level on items (purple eye)

So there is an item level seems to usually appear 1-5 on items occasionally right after the purple looking eye. What does this mean? I have some unique items that have it and some that do not. I notice that when my alt plays (who is a member of merchants guild) he can’t seem to equip items with the little purple Eye and number next to it. I think it has something to do with the observatory, but not sure. I can’t find info anywhere…

If I understand you correctly… The purple eye is the symbol for Circle of Fortune faction. Some of the perks from leveling up CoF include more or better drops. If the CoF perk influenced a particular drop, the purple eye is put on the item, along with the level of CoF required to equip that item. Merchant’s Guild people cannot use items specifically associated with CoF, and the other way around too.

Is that what you’re asking?

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yes thank you, not understood this and there is not explanation anywhere… Thanks

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