Question about Frostbringer and Frostwyrm's Fury

Frostbringer and Frostwyrm are nodes in Gathering Storm and Serpent Strike that read as follows: “Shock/bleed FROM ALL SOURCES is converted to frostbite.”

Well, obviously it isn’t because I’m getting Shock and Bleed stacks. Can someone please explain how those conversions work in LE? Thanks

They affect all sources of bleed/shock for that skill, but don’t affect your other skills. In general, skill tree nodes only affect the specialised skill and procs from that skill that don’t have their own trees (and not even all of those, but it’ll usually mention when a subskill doesn’t scale with the parent skill’s tree).

So, if you’re using both, then GS can still bleed and SS can still shock, meaning you’ll see both debuffs on your target.

I get it. SS is bleed to frost, GS is shock to frost for Storm Bolts.

I got Shock on Hit on my weapon but my weapon is used through Serpent Strike not Gathering Storm so the Shock isn’t converted. I got Bleed on Hit on idols so it means it’s global and any skill that hits applies it. Is that right?

Weapon mods like Chance to Shock or Increased Cold Damage work for spells like Storm Bolt just as well as melee attacks. The ones that only work for melee hits will say things like “melee damage” or “on melee hit”. So your shock chance should giving Frostbite to both Gathering Storm’s melee hit and to Storm Bolts, but applying bleed from your idol because nothing in Gathering Storm gives bleed to frostbite. Meanwhile, Serpent Strike is converting the idol bleed into extra frostbite chance, but can’t convert the shock and just applies it as normal.

Oh, so the modifiers on the melee weapon are also global, not just for melee skills?

Quite a few of them are specifically for melee skills, but they all say they’re for melee skills when they are. Things like melee critical strike chance, melee attack speed, melee damage leeched as health, or flat melee cold damage are very good on melee skills but outside a couple of corner cases won’t boost any damaging spells or throwing attacks you might have.

Same goes for the bow mod pool and bow attacks, for what it’s worth.