Question about area scaling

Hello, i have a question about area in a scaling tags. If you see area tag on a skill, like mana strike for example, does it mean that area affix will not only increase AoE of the skill but also the damage? So if i take +100% increased area node, it will also give the skill 100% increased damage? Kind of got confused a bit. Answer would be greatly appreciated.

No, increased area doesn’t increase the damage.

Also, the area affix on items only works for skills with the “area” tag.

Got it, thanks!

cool. Do you also know how “area” works with Mana strike? Mana strike has the skill tag “area” but the range of Mana Strike does not increase from item affixes “Increased Area for Area Skills” and “Increased Area for Melee Area Skills”.

It should increase that splash area the hit does.

How does this interact with weapon range now? For Primalist skills, I see that “swipe” has the tag “area” and also says “unaffected by weapon range.” I think tempest strike used to say that too. However, gathering storm, tempest strike, and serpent strike do not have the area tag AND do not say “unaffected by weapon range”. Serpent strike used to say that it had a longer range (and it was lots of fun!) but it no longer says that. Looking at Sentinel, all of the basic skills (rive, vengence, multistrike) say area like swipe, but they do NOT say “unaffected by weapon range”?

More generally, I’m interested in how weapon range works now. Long-reach melee with serpent strike used to be really fun. Where can I find it now?