Prophecy to kill majasa doesnt reward items

I got this prophecy for 4k favour:
“The coronation”
Fulfilled 0/8 times
Event: 1Death of Majasa
Condition: The chamber of Vessels
Reward: Unique Armour (8 weavers will)

I killed majasa in the chamber of vessels.
I get “Prophecy progressed”, now at 1/8
3 Rares drop
after the blessing more loot drops (i believe the normal drops)
Repeated once, same result; no Unique Amrour with 8 weavers will

Conclusion: this prophecy rewards 3 rares and not Unique Armour (8 weavers will)
Or it doesnt work at all, idk

You need to kill Majasa 8 times to fullfill this prophecy

If that were the case, it would/should say:
Event: 8 Death of Majasa

the fullfilled 0/8 means that you can get the rewards that often by completing the Event that often
(atleast thats how it works wirth all other prophecies that use the same wording)

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