
is there anywhere in-game where i can see where to find for example Void Horrors and Giant Scorpions to fulfill prophecies? it’s very annoying having to look it up on random videos on internet and waste time. if a prophecy tells you to kill whatever in a MONOLITH, i think the tooltip should mention in what timeline you can do it. its just confusing and a waste of time. most of the time you just ignore those prophecies so you don’t have to go out of your way to find out.

Those mobs (along with watchers, etc) aren’t specific to a timeline. They’re usually linked to echo layouts. For example, Void Horrors tend to show up more in the corridor/tunnel layouts, whereas Scorpions show up more in desert layouts.

When I get those prophecies I just ignore them until they get triggered eventually while running echoes normally.

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That is incorrect. Mobs are tied to specific timelines. Thematically many timelines have certain maplayouts and thus certain themed enemies.

Giant Scorpions in this example are present in most of the timelines.
But a lot of the void and necrotic themed enemies are in a lot fewer timelines.

Tunk lab has this info on its bestiary, but there is currently no way to have this info in game.

This is also not entirely correct but is partially skewed due to the timelines that have this mobs have much more of the map layouts these mob types naturally spawn in the campaign. But mob types are strictly affected by the timeline and not the layout. And then layouts are tied to timelines.


FrozenSentinal Created a Google-Doc that covers this topic

to use it you must make a COPY … to your google-acct (file menu, I think)

to find what you’re asking about … very bottom … arrow keys on the right-side (< >) … scroll till you see … “Prophecy Event Location Lookup”

Yes, this should’ve been readily available information provided in-game from Day 1 of the implementation.
And it should’ve been fixed by now to show it.

Hence we can only wait until that’s finally handled or use the 3rd party provided information - which a game shouldn’t need to rely on if possible.

How long did it take GGG to create their trade site?

Their trade site was copied (I assume they gave it to GGG) from, which was what was used before their site existed. It had a delay of a few minutes for trades to show up on it, due to a limitation in the API imposed by GGG.
Most of what you see in the current site comes from there. All the filters you can set, most options, etc. GGG has since expanded it a bit, mostly with new options from new content, but they didn’t really have to do much to create it.

It would be like Neversink giving them his filterblade site. GGG wouldn’t have to actually spend any time/effort with it.

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They didn’t want to create one for a misled thought that it would topple the economy and make the game unplayable.

Which turned out false.

Also this is not the trade UI - which is a bit shoddy as was a third-party creator ‘solved’ that for follow-up creators of any trading API hence on how the framework has to look like - but a simple tooltip situation which should be self-explanatory to implement.

‘Kill xyz’… ok? Where? How do I get to them? Would be kinda nice to know, don’t you think so too?

Some would be nice to know, others you don’t really have how to know. Like exiled mages. They show up in any timeline.
To be fair, most prophecies do say the timeline they apply to. It’s just that some are just generic “In monolith” and any timeline will do.

Honestly, the best option, to me, would be to place some icon on the echoes that can spawn a certain prophecy, whether it’s exiled mages, horrors or whatever. Possibly even in the map as well, next to each monolith. So you’d know that if you went into the Last Ruin there was a chance of completing prophecies A, B and C, and if you went to Black Sun you had a chance of completing prophecies B, D and E, etc. And once in a monolith, you could see in the web which echoes had a chance of triggering a prophecy as well.

Absolutely true! It’s about the non-random encounters, like the timeline specific mobs. For those there simply needs to be at least a little note telling you ‘available in xyz’ and that’s it. All which needs to be done to at least make it a proper implementation.
Obviously there can be a lot done to go ‘beyond’ but that’s I would say the minimum.

Which is also fair, but the distinct mob types to be killed are not marked, and they need to.
CoF currently has a far better implementation then MG so I would expect them to at least get that one properly handled by now. If they can’t handle both factions at least get one into a great state to avoid hassles left and right. Which CoF can at least be as it’s fairly close with a few adjustments.
But this is such a basic thing that it’s a bit annoying it isn’t done yet, mid-cycle rather then waiting till April to maybe be disappointed again. Would showcase that EHG does work properly on their product and is able to keep up in the environment they’ve chosen to compete in after all.

Yeah, definitely one option, and a working one.
I personally would enjoy to see it in the prophecy window rather… as well as - optimally - a summary of the number of apllicable prophecies for any respective timeline. So let’s say you got 5 boss prophecies, 4 random mob prophecies and 7 generic monolith prophecies going on for one specific… then it would show ‘16 available prophecies’ for the summary of the timelines. And the others would show ‘7 available propecies’ in the summary since neither the boss nor random mob one applies.

This would allow the choice of which content to run without major hassle.

But your idea is definitely a working one which is already a fantastic start.