Profane Veil Singleminded bugged (bug report and exaplanation when its bugged)

Hello! I want to report a bugg about the Profane Veil. The skill works fine but once i put the Singleminded node from skill tree the skill have a skill-breaking bug (btw im very scared that this bug have been around since at least februery 2024 and has not bein fixed).

When you channel the skill and move around two outcomes can happen
Outcome 1: nothing special happens, you just move around, as intended
Outcome 2: the bug happens. You get teleported to where you started channeling.

What happens is that the node Singleminded says you keep moving in the same direction for the duration of the skill. When you click to move and you DONT reach where you click by the end of your movement the outcome 2 (bug) happens. If you reach where you click to move (such as you click near where you character started channeling) the outcome 1 (non bug) happens.

For some reason the bug happens if you cant reach where you clicked on the screen, forcing you to make “short-distance” clicks (near character) which is obviously bugged and awful.

Hope that helps the devs fix the skill which makes the node unplayable. Its been out there for at least 4-5 months (from reports on foruns and discord).

I’m reviving this topic because I just came across it. The first post I found on this was back in March of 2024. This post is from June of 2024. It’s now January of 2025 and this hasn’t been touched.

First, I am getting the rubberbanding from profane veil on every use of the skill with singleminded allocated. Clicking to move and then having the skill not reach the target point when used rubberbands the player back to the starting location of the skill. This is clearly not intended and completely breaks the purpose of the skill. The movement of the player is clearly conflicting with the forced movement of the singleminded node.

Further, the movement speed bonus is supposed to be 75%. The node before it requires at least +14% movement. The base skill is 40% less movement speed while using it. For this traversal skill to be any good, it needs to be able to compete with Transplant. It doesn’t need to teleport, obviously, but it should be faster than walking. It should be significantly faster than before taking the node. The node doesn’t feel like it is appropriately adding enough movement for the trade off of making it a traversal skill.

It’s coming close to a year and this node is still bugged. As the only (potentially) fire-based traversal option for the Warlock class, this is extremely saddening.