Primalist's "Hideskin" passive doesn't work

I just unlocked the passive skill Hideskin in the last tier of the Druid skill tree. It is supposed to give “Health” and “Maximum Health Gained as Endurance Threshold”. The health part applies successfully, however, I do not see a difference in my endurance threshold, it is at 20% and 38% on human and werebear form, respectively. Am I not seeing this correctly? Isn’t my endurance threshold supposed to increase?

Thank you in advance!


If I’m not mistaken you are confusing endurance threshold with the actual endurance%. The 2 stats work together as a strong form of damage reduction.
The threshold is the amount of life at which your endurance starts to ‘work’, so reduce damage. The endurance% is the actual % of the damage reduction. That passive is increasing your threshold so the 38% damage reduction is ‘turned on’ on a higher amount of life.

Welcome to the LE Communuity, both of you @zemolho and @Shadri

Shadri is correct, and to further visulize his point here is a very good Image showing what The Difference between % Endurance and Endurance Threshold is:

(Note that the Health and Endurance Pool Numbers actually do not match together here, but that doesn’t matter for how they work)

The Yellow part of the HP Glove, is the Part that is “protected” by your % endurance as Damage Reduction.
Endurance Threshold is increasing this amount.

By default you have 20% of your maximum health as Endurance Threshold, every character has this.
The Druid can increase this to 30% in total (20% baseline + 10% from the passive)

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Just a small addition: the druid passive can actually increase the endurance % to 34 from 20. The node has 7 points, 2% each (+some armor).
The 10 point node (last column on the druid tree) is about the threshold. I believe it is 1% of max life as endurance threshold per point.

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I was strictly talking about the “Maximum Health to Endurance Threshold” scaling.
This is 20% by default for everybody and cannot be increased.

Druid is the only class currently, who can increase this scaling.

I was not talking about % Endurance, this is capped at 60% and has a base value of 20%.
(Lots of classes have % Endurance in their Passive Tree or on some Skill Spec Trees)

Endurance Threshold technically doesn’t have a cap and is only limited by how much you can put on your gear/passives/skill spec trees.

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Ohh, I misunderstood then but got it now.
Sorry and thanks for the explanation! :slight_smile:


Thanks guys. I was wondering about this. Is Hideskin a very valuable node? Doesnt seem very strong?

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