Primalist: 2 bugs with Maelstrom & Warcry

I logged on and ran my Shaman for the first time since 1.1 launched and discovered 2 bugs involving skills. The first bug is the Warcry node Whirlpool just doesn’t work. It’s supposed to cast Maelstrom when you use Warcry and give you 4 stacks. It does not do anything beyond a normal Warcry.

The second bug is Warcry goes on cooldown after changing zones without it ever being used.

I took some screenshots of the bugs in action.

The first one shows I have Warcry specced correctly to cast Maelstrom.
Warcry Skill Tree

The second one just shows my skill bar before using Warcry.
Skill bar before Warcry

The third is using Warcry. Notice there are no stacks of Maelstrom above the skill bar.
No stacks after Warcry

The forth screenshot shows stacks of Maelstrom after manual casting it.
Maelstrom stacks after manual casting

This final screenshot shows my skill bar after using a waypoint. I have not used Warcry or changed skill assignments on the bar. Immediately after loading into the area Warcry goes on cooldown.
Warcry suddenly on cooldown