Post your suggestions of features and addons in here

Here you can post your suggestions of features that you would like to see added or just for discussion.

I’ll start with some:

  • In game mail system
    -Offer toggle for market (manual pm with mail system is fine too)
  • More ways to upgrade as magic magic and rares are quite useless atm (mainly thinking about T5 —> T6 —> T7)
  • Any items working on LP items. This will make LP 1-2 items more usable and some LP 3-4 items more usable.
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Upgrading past 5 won’t happen, at least most probably will not happen. The idea behind T6 and 7 being drop locked is that both drops and crafting are important to gearing a character. If you could craft T6 and 7, it would reduce the need to look for drops. If you couldn’t craft up to 5 with whatever affixes you wanted on demand, crafting would be worthless.

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I do totally see that side but with the rate at how common exhalted items drop, I don’t think it matters, I would say it would be similar or even harder to get a good affix item from upgraded then from finding because you would need to have the potential for it which is usually not the case with lots of leftover potentials from such quality magic/rare item.

Another way would be to change the drop rates rather than flooding everything with drops. This will also help server stability and resources, not that there is much of that problem now.

For as common as exalts are, I still am hard pressed to find upgrades for half the rares on my level 93 dude pushing 200 corruption. They can be common all they want, they are still 99% shite.

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That’s weird because 20/20 people I see are equiped with exalts, uniques and legendaries… How are you still using rares? I think I stopped using rares since after the first 50 empowered corruption levels…

I mean, I have a few exalted pieces on right now. But My rares are rolled really good and a lot of exalts just aren’t on the right base types or dont roll great mods in my crafts on them. So I am missing some exalted pieces. It happens.

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Not who you asked, but personally I’m still using a few rares at 93 because I haven’t found any upgrades from drops and I still have 2 more Merchant’s Guild levels to go before I can buy the damn things.

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I’m right there man. The grind is grinding.

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I don’t know about you, but it feels wicked dumb that I can spam Legendary Weapons all day long but can’t even buy a goddamn Exalted belt.

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  • Translations that are internally consistent. Not translating the same mechanical term 4 ways.
  • overhaul of the respec UI, both skills and passive tree.
    RMB to remove a point, LMB to add points - one button to accept all changes, one button to discard all changes.
  • showing/hiding global/help/LFG chat separately
  • adding visible values of corruption and stability for each timeline to the map
  • in-game interface for the pizza delivery service
  • improved character stats window and tooltips

I’m still pondering how is that possible running at higher than 150 mono’s already and still using rares… Unless you guys have like under 30-40 hours, I cannot think of how, everyone I’ve know and seen are having storage problems holding “good” items after > 150 empower reference :stuck_out_tongue:

Made a lot of alts. A lot of alts.

Because random loot is random. It’s either flat out not dropping, or what has dropped is not crafting into a state that makes it an upgrade over my current rares.

  • That confirmation of changes is definitely a big one… So many times people have misplaced the skill from 1 instant click.

Yes, a lot of those QoL things would be greatly appreciated!!

With the glyphs and runes, it should be easy to get a exhalt drop to become an upgrade from your rare unless you guys just have that perfect of a rare :scream_cat: :scream_cat:

BTW, Is there a way to multi quote here? I can’t seem to find out how.

Not really. You can get a base you are ok with and an exalt mod on it, but then you try to chaos roll some of the other affixes and they fail and then boom, no longer an exalt you can use. If you have your perfect gear, dope, but I’d not expect anyone to, outside of T10 MGers.

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You can highlight text and click the Quote button that pops up. If you’re already writing a comment, it will drop the quote block into it where your cursor currently is.

Hi, I would love an option to highlight nodes in a skilltree to map out your planned skills. Like, MMB to give it a purple outline or something.

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