Portal Charms

First, I´d like to say great job on the trailer.
The portal charm is only referring to dungeons, so I assume it´s not applying to arena. If so, please make it work for arena too. In my opinion, farming for arena uniques is even more tedious than dungeons.
Otherwise, 1.2 looks great.

You’re going to have the chance to turn arena echoes into super arena echoes that will spawn champions. It should be easier to farm with that.

Ok, missed that. Thanks. So I think we´re good here

It wasn’t part of the trailler, but Mike showed spoilers for that in last week’s stream. You can probably catch it on a streamer’s recap video, like Aaron’s.
Basically it will be part of the weaver tree where you can either remove arena echoes entirely or juice them up.

OP asked if we can skip arena waves for easier arena uniques (stuff like Vaion’s Chariot). And you told him it’ll be easier to farm, because we’re getting a chance to turn normal Arenas into Super Arenas which are supposedly more difficult to clear :sweat_smile:

Am I missing something here? :smiley:

I don’t know how it will work exactly. I’m just assuming that it will be like running a normal arena inside an echo. Which means you’ll get more chances to farm it while advancing your monolith and don’t have to go out of your way or keep farming keys to do this.

I suppose if all you want is to skip to the boss then it doesn’t really help you, but I also don’t know how much sense skipping to boss makes in the arena. The whole mechanic of arena is to spawn waves and skipping the whole mechanic to farm a boss makes little sense to me.
Dungeons, at least, are all about the reward at the end. The dungeon itself is kind of a filler until you reach the boss and the reward.

Also, you can already set this up, if you want. Just advance to wave 180, then use keys of memory to start at wave 90 and fight the boss. (or possibly 179 and start a bit below 90. I know the boss spawns on wave 90 in endless arena, but I don’t know if it spawns when you start at wave 90).

Well, the waves are also a filler. At least I don’t know anyone who would do an Arena run and quit in the middle only to get some random drop from the barrels :slight_smile:

I’ll try the endless arena.

Well, that depends on if you consider “real” arena to be the first 3 difficulties or the endless one. One could argue that endless arena is the intended mechanic where you fight waves until you die.
And you could quit in the middle if you’re playing hardcore and it’s getting tough.

But I do see your point. I guess, at least for the 3 lower difficulty ones, there really is no difference to a dungeon and the charm should work the same way.

We’re talking about boss loot dude.
What does quitting in the middle of an endless arena in hardcore mode have to do with getting arena boss loot faster? It’s irrelevant to the topic.

This doesn’t work, because Arena Key of Memory starts you at Wave 100.

Ah, I wasn’t aware it was minimum wave 100, good point. I guess there’s no alternative then. So I agree that the charms should work for the non-endless arena, then.