Poorly Telegraphed High Damage Abilities

Recently got slapped by fireboi, his ballista style ability didn’t telegraph properly, most likely a z-axis issues.


I probably shouldn’t laugh, but the ending to that video, even the sound effect. I only saw the projectile by pausing it as it came in from off screen…

I’m this close to making a fireboi montage with as many memes as possible.

Please do, it would be awesome.

The cone flamethrowing attack of the siege golem is a bit overtuned, it has very high range and there is no warning before he does it. I’d like a telegraph warning before so it is avoidable.

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Agree. It is the only skill it does which I cant really tell when it might use it. So I always have to fight it at range to be sure I dont get caught.

I have only one character, with a block focused build and what i find more frustrating were the damage ove time… If the build don’t have a high health you die too fast

Not sure if it is mentioned before: Sometimes the indicators of telegraphed attacks are layered beneath ground objects like grass and flowers. This should be fixed.

heres a few monsters that frequently have the ability to target the character from off screen

lightning crawlers
there regular lightning blast often loses the ground effect or causes several which can be at time unavoidable, from up to 3 screens away

siege golems ( they can cast skills while frozen and it also doesnt interrupt them) there flamthrower and charged blast can happen from well off screen and the hit boxes dont line up with visuals

the osprix boss can target you from the other side of the map at times. I tested this by running away in a lvl 15 mono to try and pull him out of a corner. yet his 5x fire blast kept casting and upon doing a loop and getting back he hadnt actually moved from this corner

blood/avaline chimeras one of the highest dmg mobs with a very fast hard to see projectile that comes from far off screen

leaping rats leap from off screen regularly

lighting totem or sentinels ( the ones that have extra dmg at distance ) they are broken and attack from off screen before able to aggo and cause insane damage from that

ice goliaths they have a permenant aggro and will follow you for an entire map but have around 100% charachter movement speed. Also skills tend to lose visuals or are very difficult to see in game.

void explosion from void form ( highly inconsistent damage, i saw one hit me for 10k with 2.5k void prot at lvl 66) sometimes has no visual and the hit box doesnt line up with visual at times. or it is mis timed for the hit versus dmg.

Monsters using skill with tracking are BROKEN

  • skills track far too consistently

  • skills are unavoidable in many cases even with high move speed over 60%

  • skills often dont expire or have extremely long duration

  • skills often can follow for a few screens before hitting you ( even after mob is dead)

overall monster AI needs to have a random delay for reaction input. POE fixed this same issue with a full screen of mobs consistently one shotting players ( unavoidably) . A random ms integer for the group from 200-2000 ms roughly could fix this . we need atleast a minimum to react. its incredibly dangerous to have AI reactions as a group higher than possible reaction of players. monster reactions faster than players = boom dead , one shot

In my opinion, very high damage telegraphed skills, is what makes high mobility builds like the lich better than other builds, im not saying that the lich should be nerfed, but builds that stand still to cast or hit WILL get hit, and makes build diversity far far worse, at least in my opinion.

Don’t know if this is the good place to post this, but there is more than just “poorly telegraphed” to the matter in my opinion. It’s about some “insane” damage from some general/trash monster. For exemple, in divine era, near Lake Liath region, the “winged fire” throw at you fire rays that can kill you one shot… Their attack are somewhat telegraphed, but most of the time very difficult to avoid (often there are 2-3 of them in a narrow passage…). The damage dealt is crazy, and can one shot you even if you have a decent level of resistance. This amount of damage should not be possible from trash monsters in my opinion, but only from “hero” monsters or bosses. There are some other exemples, like from the tundra with mobs dealing frost base damage. Some of these monsters should be able to deliver important damage but not killing / 1 shot blows. Makes no sense and it’s very frustrating in my opinion, mostly for melee characters.


I would say the add phase of Lagon. It’s just too hard to keep track of the 1-shot title waves & dodge when minions spawn in my way, not to mention when you get blues added to the mix you’re taking way too much damage at the same time. Further complicating this phase is I can’t always clearly see the adds.

Covenant Dominion dots are overpowered i am near lvl80 and i can manage most of enemies in fair way but if i meet a Covenant i have to use 3/4 potions on dots and sometimes i found 2/3 of them and it s just impossible they are stronger than most bosses


This. I had this exact thing happen to me as well. Was in Etendell in divine era, was built pretty tanky and had no problem until out of no where a Osprix Lightmage insta 1 shotted me. I was just baffled and confused on what just happened even. Had ~550 fire res 400+ hp & 400+ ward. Just erased. Quite Jarring.

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I dont think the devs realize how much people, like me, are quitting the game because of that. They should resolve these issues before revamping monolith in my opinion. This is really annoying, and makes the game frustrating… and no fun at all.

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Yes, covenant’s burning ground hits really hard. I wouldn’t mind it if they were telegraphed, or I understood the pattern. So far when i see them casting it - I wait till last second and teleport behind them.

For me it’s that ***king covenant of dominion, especially with meelee characters. When it spawns those 3 fire lines, most of the time one-shots me and it does this from out of nowhere when fighting other mobs.

2nd Time covenant of Dominion destroys me just like nothing in a eye blink, dead from one sec to another. And thats with a wearbear with 60% protections, sorry guys but its not fun at all. I like playing tanky things, but whats the point when he hits you once and you are dead.

What is most astounding about this covenant is that he is just some minor random “boss”, I had no big issue so far and then comes the crazy dot machine and boom.

Seriously you should handle your balancing cause right now its not on point.

What makes matters worse is the amount of spell effects on top of each other.

I can’t see the flames under Shatter Strike.

Architect Liath’s electricity ring thing in the level 80 timeline it’s hard to tell if it’s on a higher z axis or low to the ground and further north