Poison stacking with pet how it works?

Hey guys i’ve been wondering something while leveling my beastmaster

I kinda wanna try out some pet-poison build but Im curious if

1 - Does My own skill/poison stack along with my minnios poison?

2 - If they stack together would that mean *overall dot * alont with Poison Will boost my pet poison too (Not only Minnion poison dmg) ?

Anyone can enlighten me on this pls :slight_smile:

  1. They dont stack with each other
  2. Your poison damage/stacks does not help minions damage/stacks

simmilar pets
for example skeleton mage
can stack DOTs with each other?

all minions poison will stack with each other yes.


So player-inflicted poison stacks are tracked separately to pet-inflicted stacks as far as the damage increase per stack is concerned?

Correct. Tested this alot with the bearer plague staff on necro. I could increase the damage tick whem using wandering spirits since they count as my spell but with poison wraiths and mages I didmt increase the damage they did to the dummy with my hits. Just seperate numbers.

I got the opposite results just 2 days ago when testing my Beastmaster with Poison wolves. Here was my methods and results. I took out all points of aspect of the viper. I let 1 wolf attack the dummy while dropping roots on top of it. I attacked 4 times AWAY from the dummy to ensure i never hit it. then dropped roots. repeated until my wolf poison damage plateaued (1000 dmg). I then got rid of the wolf and did it myself. roots 4 attacks, roots 4 attacks until that capped (1800 dmg). Then i did the same 4 attacks cast roots rotation with me and my wolf attacking and that went over (4000 dmg).

Im gonna test this aswel :dagger: :dagger:

I wish it worked that way but i just dont think so, if it stacked togetehr i would be running 6 wolves, avalanche, ice throns, swipe, for the max amount of hits on 1 char. But the fact that there is seperate minion DoT and Player DoT just wouldnt makes sense for the damages to stack since they are different levels of damamge.

Maybe its a bit of both? Each poison stack on a mob increases poison damage by 10%. I don’t see why that would care where the stacks came from. Mods that increase poison damage (on items or in the trees) differentiate between minion and non-minion poison damage though.

I would have assumed that this is what’s happening.

a little bit DOT question

if I have 20 base dmg
and 100% poison chance
I made 40 DOT?
and if I have 200% poison chance?

No, poison chance is the chance for each hit to apply a stack of poison. So if you have 100% chance to poison, each hit (attacks & spells) will apply 1 stack of poison for 20 damage (actually it’d also make the target take 8% increased damage so 21.6. If you have 200% chance, each hit will apply 2 stacks (2x 20 x (1.16) = ~46.4).

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Im pretty sure Minions and Player poison stacks are independent but the game tracks the overall poison stacks on the mob and applies a dmg debuff to each poison tick

So effectively they stack, its just the poison damage is different per player or mob, the reason is Poison is extremely basic. Its just a flat poison damage x damage bonuses which Minions have the same ‘minion damage over time’ etc

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