Poison damage not calculated correctly

3 scenarios:
Increased poison damage: 260%
Increased damage over time: 316%

Actual poison damage value: 83
Expected poison damage value: 20 + (20 * 5,76) = 135
Increased poison damage: 340%
Increased damage over time: 396%

Actual poison damage value: 99
Expected poison damage value: 20 + (20 * 7,36) = 167
On other character with only:

Increased poison damage: 30%
Increased damage over time: 29%

it calculates damage correctly to: 20 + (20 * 0,59) = 32

If you have any global increased damage in there, then it’s added to both lines, but when the damage is calculated, it only includes it once. I’m assuming the 260% in your first one is global so if you ignore the +260% poison damage & just use the 316% then you get the correct figure = 20 * (1 + 3.16) = 83.2 (rounded down). It works the same for the others as well.

So this isn’t a bug per se, just an unclear character screen, which is why we need a good skill/tooltip dps.

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