Pls raise the default volume of the bgm

I was wondering why I always get so tired fast when playing LE. Now it dawned to me, the bgm is simply to quiet. Surely you (I) can raise my whole system volume and adjust the game settings accordingly, but what if I throw in a YT video somewhere in the middle to research something? It will blow my drums out and having to adjust the settings all the time is annoying as well.

It might not need to be a priority, but maybe it is not as much work to adjust the default (max) volumes, so I can really enjoy the music in a non lullaby fashion? Should not be a problem to anyone, right?

You could play soundtrack from spotify in the background and turn off game music, this way you could adjust to the windows level. I saonetimes play this way :slight_smile:

I like to stay on the music from the respective game.

LE ost is avaliable on spotify.