Please Please Fix Temporal Sanctum! And Let Us Bypass it!

Can we at least get 1 QoL in TS while we wait for fixes.

If there is a barrier and you switch dimensions there shouldn’t still be a barrier there. For the love of all that is good. This would also stop us from rapid switching dimensions back and forth to try and find an opening. (increasing chances of bugs/freezes)

It’s super triggering when you hit a barrier, switch dimensions and there is still a barrier there. Sometimes I just log out in TS when this happens and play another game.

Obviously TS still needs a lot of work and a better solution long term for Legendary crafting but maybe throw us a few QoL changes while we wait please and thanks.


brother, join me in poe, hype league. i quit after 2 weeks of slamming my face into dungeons hoping to finish. never coming back XDDDDDDD

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