Please keep the skeleton packs in the game

Without the skeleton pack the game will become a faceroll yawn at 1,000 corruption. They are currently the main reason corruption pushing is harder. I would even suggest more and different types of packs to keep the challenge in higher corruption.

But please have some better reward for killing them. Something like a skeleton mini boss spawning after every 10 packs killed which has greatly improved loot drop.

If the game is a faceroll yawn at 1k corruption, then that’s probably because you’re using one of the OP builds (which will likely get nerfed next cycle).

Either way, it’s infinitely scaling. If you’re bored at 1k corruption, just go up to 1.5k or 2k. Since monos will always scale more than you can scale your character, inevitably you’ll always reach a point where it’s challenging again.

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Exactly my toughts. Those packs is the only reson I can not faceroll to 1000c, do not want to go above 750-800. I would like to to see toggling button for this with more rewards. Sometimes they making me mad :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: cuz I am squishy blood nib SB :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am using VK warpath, SB blood nib, Lich Stygan, Forge Guard Plague Dragon’s Forge Strike, some erasing strike variants. Are those OP ? :smiley:

If you can faceroll 1k, yes. Mike has said that any build that can do 1k means they made a mistake, since you’re not supposed to go that high.

The loyalist packs from the event were clearly overtuned and already had to be nerfed down a bit, since they were effectively gating lots of players from reaching empowered monoliths. So it’s not likely they will remain in the game. If they do remain in the game, they will be nerfed down more to be more on par with the rest.

As I said, it’s infinite scaling content. If the current corruption feels boring to you, just raise it further until it’s challenging again.

Sadge, that means they made a mistake with every single mastery

“faceroll 1000 corruption” was not meant to be literal. problem atm is that 300 is a joke with lots of builds. if devs truly want to balance around 300 then ALL rewards / increase need to cap out at 300 corruption. and then difficulty needs to scale exponentially beyond that so that 10 extra become a huge difference. the diffuclty of new mobs achieve the same effect as an exponential scaling in a better way. i just want that diffuclty to stay with better rewards.

btw i play a lot of different builds since i have L100 toons for all 15 masteries … so i am not playing only “one of the OP builds” as you suggest

300c is supposed to be the lower bound, not the absolute bound for all. It’s the maximum requirement for all things (320c being the highest requirement for prophecies).
Corruption is soft capped at 500c, which is a decent challenge for most builds. 1k is just what Mike has said is past the intended upper bound.

I was taking the “faceroll 1k corruption” as literal. Any build that does that is OP according to EHG’s statements on balance in the past.

Also, the game is balanced around new characters in a cycle. Legacy will always have an easier time since you have longer to collect powerful items. This is true even in PoE.

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This I agree with. If 300 is their desired plateau for what they consider where they want people to reach, then there should be no reason to “want” to push beyond that in order to get any and all increased drop chance. If 300 is the goal, then 300 should provide the max benefit.

That’s not how I heard it said, so that is not my understanding. Maybe Mike or Kain can chime it to clarify.

Given that Mike said that “we consider a build successful if it reaches 300c”, that implies that one that doesn’t isn’t successful. So that would be a lower bound. Meaning that, according to EHG, every build should be able to reach that.
Given that they changed corruption scaling rewards by adding a soft cap at 500c, I would say that implies that 500c is either the average bound for balance they’re aiming for or the upper bound.
Given that they said that 1k isn’t supposed to happen, I would say that the upper bound isn’t meant to be above 600c and 900c, if it’s not the 500c from above.

Those seem pretty clear from their statements and actions so far, to me anyway.

That we still have a bunch of builds that are still deleting Aberroth and cruising 1k+ just means that they have failed to uphold the balance goals they set. Which is not surprising, since balance is a very hard thing to accomplish. It took GGG years to do that.

I also expect these goals to move up with time, as power creep settles in. After all, there’s a theoretical limit of 65k for corruption, meaning there’s still a lot of space to grow.
But for now, their balance goals seem clear enough.