Please fix armour movement (weight painting)

Can you please fix armor behavior on character models? For example, metallic armor should not be morphing and stretching when the player moves. The whole chestpiece should move as a whole, and not behave like cloth. Even leather armor should have some rigidity, but still behave like skin/flesh currently. Please spend some time on weight painting, it’s really affecting immersion when materials/physics are not behaving as they should.

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Old issue I brought up well over a year ago. Only really bothered me on the char selection screen tho as in game your char is too small to really see anything … but yeah, its odd.

EDIT: Lol, I see you replied on that old post too… Obviously it bothers you way more than it does me … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I agree. I noticed it too but the only time it actually matters is character select. That’s a place I spend way less time now than I ever have because I’m not creating characters anymore.

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While we are at movement animations, can we fix the moonwalking, when cursor is near the character? It will be too hard to make all animations smooth, so why just don’t make character always move at full speed?

Yeah, they still have a good bit of graphics fine tuning to make everything seem less ‘cartoonish.’ Like take a good long look at the Sentinel’s hands. There’s meme ‘tiny hands’ and then there’s my guy.

I’m not complaining too much, though. Anyone remember what it looked like in Alpha! :crazy_face:

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Yeah, it does bother me a lot, lol. There are issues with body part proportions as well, but the materials moving unnaturally just bothers me so much…

Yes, this bothers me a lot as well. Really makes the game feel not fluid.

Yeah, there should be a meme about Sentinels hand sizes by now.

I suppose these are the kinds of things that are really low priority right now and I tend to agree… Maybe by the next time Halleys flies past Earth they will deal with them… or not. :crazy_face:

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