Please check my math hammer. Multi shot Node in the Acolyte Skelton tree

Ok Multi shot Node in the Acolyte Skelton tree. Could you please double check my math and tell me if im missing something, I think 1pt is all you want to invest in this node.

For 1 pt you get +2 shots with a 1 second delay and +8% damage per shot
For 2pts you get +4 shots for a 2 second delay and +16% damage per shot
fore 3pts you get +6 shots with a 3 second delay and +24% damage per shot

Assuming all shots hit a target
3 shots +8% damage divided by 1 second = 3.24
5 shots +16% damage divided by 2 seconds = 2.9
7 shots +24% damage divided by 3 seconds = 2.9

Why invest more than 1 point into this esp when you can assume that a larger spread of shots are more likely to miss a few targets?

That sounds about right. Necros suffer from a lot of traps in the trees, the devs just really, really do not seem to like permanent minions. Dread phalanx is the same, it gives a 2ish% bonus at 3 minions around 4.8 ish at 5 minions and then down to 1.7 ish at 7 minions, any other number is a net negative in damage and all of them are a net negative in total minion life and debuff stacks. Even the items are like this, Aarons will, give up an entire skill tree, but still being forced to spec into it in order to utilize the items buff. and 2 extra golems are not worth 9 extra archers when you are forced to leave the skill specialized.

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These shots can never shotgun a single target. You put points here only for better AoE coverage.


What do you mean? many times a single large target gets hit by all the arrows. Are you saying they don’t take damage from more than one of them?

nope, it was answered a long time ago that it counts as a single attack no more shotgun because they believed it was op

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Ahh… thank you. That makes a huge diffrence.

Also your math is indeed wrong. The proper math looks like this:

Note: In all cases this is multiplied by the actual damage of the ability
Base: 1.00 damage multiplier / 6 second cooldown = .166 damage per second
1 point: 1.08 damage multiplier / 7 second cooldown = .154 damage per second (92% of base)
2 points: 1.16 damage multiplier / 8 second cooldown = .145 damage per second (87% of base)
3 points: 1.24 damage multiplier / 9 second cooldown = .137 damage per second (82% of base)

Any points are a downside from a single target DPS standpoint, but they dramatically increase the area of coverage by widening the cone impacted. Plus the cooldown is running while not in combat, and it looks cool as hell. Also keep in mind, the impact of Impatience is much more dramatic than the impact of this:

Base: 1.00 damage multiplier / 2.72 second cooldown = .367 damage per second (221% of amount without this)
1 point: 1.08 damage multiplier / 3.18 second cooldown = .339 damage per second (92% of base)
2 points: 1.16 damage multiplier / 3.63 second cooldown = .319 damage per second (87% of base)
3 points: 1.24 damage multiplier / 4.09 second cooldown = .303 damage per second (82% of base)

So if you get both you’re doing 182% of normal single target damage were you to have skipped both, with a shorter cooldown than normal, while also getting massive cones of fiery death. Which just seems like a good time to me.


Multi shot has no inherent cooldown. Where you are getting the extra 6 seconds from? It says cool down +1 seconds per point. so 1pt is a 1 second cool down not 7 seconds…

  1. If you’re looking at it in game, it says “[alt] more information”… holding alt while mousing over it shows that Fire Arrow (the skill impacted by Multishot) has a 6 second cooldown by default.
  2. Not judging, but how could you be under that impression in the first place? If you’re looking at it in a build planner like LET then it’ll automatically show the more info and say it plain as day. If you’re just relying on in game, have you never actually tried it? Put 1 point into Multishot, see if your archers are spamming fire arrows a second apart all the time? It just seems like it should be pretty obvious that it does in fact have an inherent cooldown to me.

ok im blind, i see it now. Thank you. This is why I ask for a double check.

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