Please allow Cleric's Hammer of healing hands to be triggered by Warpath

Currently, Warpath is a very foolish skill. When facing powerful monsters, Ward is the main defense mechanism, while Warpath, as a melee skill, cannot obtain Ward to improve survival ability. Many Paladin players use Unbroken Prayer to trigger Cleric’s Hammer 4 times per second, without the need for stacked attack speed.
I suggest adjusting it to: Cleric’s Hammer can be triggered when a melee skill hits a monster, with a maximum triggering rate equal to the basic attack rate of the triggered skill, which can be adjusted by the attack speed suffix

A problem with that is that Warpath doubles your attack speed, so with 2 fast weapons you’d get a ridiculous amount of procs.

Warpath is a very strong skill, and central to at least a few great builds. Ward is not necessarily the main defence mechanism, it is currently the strongest defence mechanism for the next 13days.