Please add an option to darken the background of the quest objectives display

It can, when the ground color does not contrast with the text color, be difficult to read the objectives on the right-hand side of the screen. If you would allow us to change the background color/text color of the objectives window, that would fix this issue.


I think I remember seeing one of the latest streams from Mike where he showed that the quest tacker will get changed to 1.0. I know he showed it can expand/collapse and you can turn a few off(?).
Don’t know about changing colors, but basically we’ll get a new quest tracker, so wait and see how that goes?

glad to hear that. All I can ask is that they give it some attention, which it seems like they are, so i’m happy. with that.

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Yeah this has been asked for a lot, I know I did a request about it a while back.

It is getting changed/adjusted in 1.0 but I can’t find the tidbit about it like @DJSamhein said.

I’m also hopefully that all of the upcoming lighting changes are going to fix some of the areas that are so blown out I try to avoid them in monos (a lot of the snow areas) and sadly winter landscapes are some of my favorites.

I saw it in this video. at around 3:45.

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This looks like a great change. I’m more than willing to lose a small amount of visible screen area to make the quest objective text always readable .

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