Please add a way to make the game globally more difficult

Some builds have to use QuinDPS abilities before their mastery/some skill that unlocks after X spent points. So yes, it can be very boring, which is less fun and interesting.
IMO, the developers should reduce the HP of enemies in the 1st act by like 50%, and double their damage, it would make enemies dangerous → make early game not as boring, and at the same time allow player to get through the early stage faster if they are good enough not to get nuked by buffed enemies.

The first 5 levels of the game are by far the hardest.
You are very weak and have no abilities. Mobs are actually hard.

Because when I have my mastery I have all tools at hand. It’s an easy thing to get there and it’s so easy it could be completely scrapped because it serves no purpouse when you did it once if you don’t want the boots.

After I have my mastery i can start to flesh out my toon. Just an example… most of my sentinels have the same 20 points investet in the sentinel tree. There is little options in this tree that it makes it rather unintresting and there are only so little options to choose from it makes the starting class trees realy unintresting to me.

That’s why it’s completely unintresting to me no matter what card you play. If it was a fun and fast experince fine but this is nothing but a overdone tutorial.

So if you think that, how far in corruption or arena have you been? Because I assure you that you are wrong.

And 40+ Alts later, can’t say I have ever once died in Act 1. EVER. No offence to anyone really but if you die in the first 5 levels, l2p.

I mean for the first 1 to 20 levels, you are going to have the perfect item in every slot that you possibly could have, so how can it be hard?


My experience is quite different from this. (Not Sentinels in particular, but all classes).

I play solo character account found. I don’t need the campaign to be harder because every new toon i make starts from scratch. The only thimg i’m wondering about is why i need to relevel CoF on every toon. This keeps me from making more chars in seasons.

Well every new season, yes your seasonal char will start with 0 with CoF and MG and you need to relevel rep from scratch.

No idea how SSF affects things. Try starting a new season #1 char right now and press Y to see its level with CoF as soon as you join CoF in first town. If it has the same level as your main season #1 char, then yes, the rep is account-wide even for SSF.

SSF just means your character doesn’t get ANYTHING from your other characters. That includes CoF ranks. It’s a completely fresh start.
If you play on account self found instead that probably doesn’t happen.

Well he said “solo character account found” so I wasn’t sure. :smiley:

Yeah, the 2 modes are sometimes confusing. People aren’t used to that, usually there’s only the equivalent to account self found.

Because you selected character found. It’s kinda in the name. If stashes are shared then faction rep is shared. @Ghostlight

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I’m sorry Mike but this might be the worst take I have heard as a response to a well thought out and valid complaint. “Have you tried gimping your character?” The whole point of the post is about the broken and monotonous end game system. At least acknowledge it.


The point isn’t about the monotonous endgame, though I also feel it’s a problem I think it’s been covered a thousand times by people that have pushed 10 times my corruption so I don’t feel like talking about it. It’s about how long and tedious it is to reach a point where you get to face some kind of challenge thanks to the easy campaign and slow difficulty curve in the monos.
In my opinion the fun of these kind of games is creating builds that you think look cool/good and then benchmarking them, so when the benchmarking starts at 300 corruption there’s a problem with pacing.

[quote=“Ghostlight, post:29, topic:70943”]
I am fine with the campaign being overly easy. You breeze through it in a few hours anyway and you get faster with each Alt you level. And it’s fun watching your build come together and just murdering everything as it does. No need for hard or bullet-sponge enemies there, at least for me.

For me the big lull is standard monos. I LOATHE those, especially now I have been through them 30+ times with all my Alts over the years. Trivially easy but still hugely time-consuming. Not a good combination. This needs addressed for sure.[/quote]
You say that but it takes as much time if not more to do the campaign than to do the easy monoliths, so I don’t understand where you’re coming from? Maybe it feels longer because the monoliths are more repetitive?

The second sentence says: “It’s impossible to raise the difficulty before reaching the empowered monoliths,.”

The boots raise the difficulty before reaching empowered monoliths.

The 3rd suggestion the OP left starts with “Do something about the early game for alt characters.”

The boots do something about the early game for alt characters.

I didn’t see mention of the boots in the post, thought they fit the description of what OP wanted and they line up with one of their suggestions.

This wasn’t a sarcastic “well have you tried…” type comment. I was putting forward a potential solution that was already in game. It isn’t exactly what they were after and that’s fine. I still think it was a reasonable and appropriate suggestion.


You literally said the same thing as the other posts in a different way… “How Long and tedious it is to reach a point where you get to face some kind of challenge thanks to the slow difficulty curve in monos.” Is that not describing a monotonous endgame? I am on your side and until we are actually clear and direct not even Mike can interpret what we want.

Then sorry if I didn’t make myself clear : I don’t mind the concept of monolith.

What bugs me at the moment is that if I’m easily clearing monoliths and want to increase the difficulty I need to complete 10-15 monoliths, kill 2 bosses (more or less tedious depending on the monolith), kill orobyss and I’ve increased the difficulty by ~30 corruption. And if I make a new character I’ll have to do this all over again + steamroll the campaign and easy monoliths, which I find discouraging.

I personally didn’t find the suggestion sarcastic so it’s fine. Is there a plan to address the difficulty scaling in the early game in the future?

No. Campaign feels shorter because I am getting unlocks so quickly it is always changing. By standard monos, that slows right down.

In addition I don’t finish the campaign. I stop as soon as I have all the side quest rewards, then go to Majelka via Temporal Sanctum for the Bazaar.

Yup, this is something I went on a rant about roughly 3 weeks ago on stream. I got out the paint and did up a messy graph to try and articulate myself but the issue I was outlying boiled down to essentially what you’re talking about in the monolith.

Like new parents, I think we’ve been a little too worried about preventing players from getting themselves into a too difficult spot and it’s left us not allowing players who are ahead of the curve the room to run.


I know time goes by differently for us older people, so I just wanted to let you know that it was actually 6 weeks ago :laughing:


We don’t need our hands held and coddled this hard.
This is why modern gaming is a joke. Stop insulting your players intelligence and treating them like an infant.

The best part of POE is that I can tell the game “please kill me”.
If I want to crank up the difficulty x100, nothing should stop me.

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