Please activate waypoints and NPCs only by clicking on them directly

I don’t know if there is already a thread about this, so I’ll just open one.

To my mind, it feels very unsatisfying when I move somewhere with the mouse button (or any other button) pressed and get close to a waypoint or NPC. The world map opens directly (for waypoints) or the chat or trade window of the NPC opens without me having explicitly clicked on it again, but solely from the pressed (mouse) button.

Here I very much wish that waypoints and NPCs would only activate by clicking on them again and not from the movement input.


Agreed, would also add portals.


I totally agree, it’s really annoying when it happens, especially in areas where NPC/stash/waypoint are close to each other.

It’s a known issue the devs are aware of/working on.


Good to know !

Yes, super frustrating.

Apparently its been a known issue for many months now… Hopefully the complexity of the fix is why its taking long, rather than it being seen as not needed fix.

Objects and NPCs should only be interacted with when the “mouse down” action begins on them.

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