Playing daily since MP launch a few suggestions for game

1 Keys should be account storage like shards and gold or at very least stackable in bank

1a Crafting mats should be walk over pickup like gold (this should be first IMO)

2 Search bar for echos

3 Better search bar for vendors, right now when you put something in search it will still be there on next vendor, which normally would be wonderful, however the game sees the search bar as blank

4 Gold pickup radius needs to be increased

5 Tune down the stash tab cost until it gets to hoarder status tab numbers then punish. At least do this for the non trade league side.

6 Allow region choosing in game, lots of lagginess right now as expected but if its like this at game launch thats not so acceptable and this is one way players can fix it for themselves potentially

7 Add forging potential scales to loot filter

8 Give us a poe equivalent of orb of scour, some way to wipe a high forging potential item to base white.

9 Dont change a damn thing with how you implement things based on feedback and listen to your community, Ive seen very few games with developers like this and im very happy to play and highly recommend this game to anyone who will listen. Hope all the best at launch!!!

10 Make shattering’s infinitely buyable from a vendor, they are still restricted by gold, having to map hop is just tedious and unnecessary

The devs view them as items which is why they need to be picked up and go to your inventory (I don’t really agree, but there you are).

They don’t want to do this either as, from memory, they don’t want the loot filter to automate gameplay too much.

Given how crafting works, that would probably be quite bad. Trying to craft an item up from white takes a lot of FP.

They have suggested that they could do something like this but it’d likely return fewer shards than a normal Shattering. The devs don’t intend us to shatter every single item we come across and don’t want to use.

And what is “hoarder status”? 5? 10? 50? Gold is not a significant cost in LE after a relatively short time period.

They’ve said they don’t want to do this either, can’t remember why but it might have been an automation thing as well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this changes in the future. Mike said in discord about how their view on crafting mats has changed over time.

This is a known issue they are trying to fix.

Not a terrible idea.

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