Permanent Loading Screen Temporal Sanctum

Trying to load into Temporal Sanctum level 2 results in permanent loading screens.
So far i tried 4 keys. Out of 4 keys this happened 4 times.
Dont know if this logfile helps:

Player.log (118.7 KB)

This log file was uploaded after me sitting in the loading screen for 5 or so minutes.

Edit: Tried with a different char and on a different difficulty aswell, same result.

Edit2: Some people reported that this only seems to happen in offline mode.


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I have the same issue and reply into another Temporal Sanctum topic. The bug is here since the patch and iā€™ll wait for a fix but itā€™s not here.
Iā€™m a little affraid about the reactivity from the dev about it, Temporal Sanctum is an important feature for end game.

Same bug, occured 3 times already out of 3 tries. Iā€™m playing offline mode.

This is a weird loading bug beacuse i am definitely loaded into sanctum - i can hear Jurla saying her voiceline, after pressing hotkeys i can hear my character using corresponging abilities. Itā€™s just that loading screen do not disappear from my screen for some reason.

Player.log (125.7 KB)

Same issue here

Tested with the new patch (92b)ā€¦ still issue. Canā€™t make legendariesā€¦ Itā€™s kind of hampering progression now, really irritating.

same problem :frowning:

This is a huge bug, and I donā€™t see mention of it in the last 2 hotfix patch notes as something they are aware ofā€¦

This bug made me lose any incentive to play LE :see_no_evil:

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I have the same issue. Cannot progress to the Sanctum Cloister. Just cycles on the loading screen, although as others have mentioned you can hear characters. As a result cannot create Legendary itemsā€¦kind of a big deal!

The bug is still here after the 0.9.2.c patch done but in the note patch they are working on it.
So i crossed my finger for the next week patch.

Someone tells me one day, it takes time to change the world :wink:

same issue here. Havenā€™t tried temporal sanctum in a good while, but just wasted 2 keys aswell before looking up this topic. What a bummer

I just tried it today, still the same bugā€¦ it loads in the room, but loading screen is present, the only way to see is to toggle HUD, ( default Delete key ) , you can see the char, can use abilities, teleport doesnā€™t do anything thoā€¦ if you shift time with ā€œDā€ then it bugs out, throws you back to the first map layer, if you try the second door, it says Door 1 (or 2 ) already in useā€¦ toggling HUD again just brings the loading screen back

Identified in most recent patch notes as under investigation

Same error just occurred for me as well. Stuck on infinite loading screen trying to enter the Sanctum Cloisters. Stopped playing the game with this game breaking bug! Legendary creation is an important part of end game progression!

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