Performance in Welryn Outskirts is really bad

I5 3210m
GTX 660m overclocked

Ancient potato, but still I have mostly 45+ fps, except for Welryn Outskirts. Framerate drops to like, 7 frames. I pushed through it and interestingly, the location after that works fine again. This sudden dip in frames in unnatural to blame on old specs.

Same problem have done multiple chars & each one slows down there. I dont rubberband. its just sluggish. I play true offline mode.

This is so true, I thought I was the only experiencing it, I have GTX 1060 and usually have 80+ fps on most maps, then it drops to 28-30 when in Welryn Outskirts thought it was just my device till I found this post

Same here. With my setup (Ryzen 5 5600G, mostly low settings) I normally get 30-40 fps, but in Welryn Outskirts it drops down to around 10 fps. And it didn’t get much better even when I put settings to very low.
I’d understand it if this map had some serious graphics stuff going, but it even looks more empty than most other areas.
What I noticed is that close to the edges of the map, fps are quite normal, but as soon as I go several meters inside, it starts dropping and stays there until I reach another end of the map.

Also experiencing the same issue although not to the same degree. My rig is decent, FPS has never dropped below 70. Got to the outskirt and all of a sudden, it’s down to ~60fps.

Understandably it’s not a as big of a problem compared to everyone’s here, but it does show that the issue persists even on somewhat decent machines.

I can confirm! In Steam Deck I was totally fine with the 40-45 stable FPS… However once I reach this area…Welryn anywhere in the imperial era… It’s dropping to 25-28 FPS. I was worried about any issue with my deck and then I found this trend.

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